Deeper Than Blades

Never Alone.

She took my arms, and traced the gashes in my skin, just as I’d don’t before. I struggled, tried to break free but she held me closer. I couldn’t fight. I was too weak. I sobbed in her arms.
“No, no…” I tried, but my voice was weak. My body shook violently, but she just held me tighter, closer to her.
“No…” I could barely get a word out through the sobs.
“Baby calm down. It’s okay. You’re safe now” she tightened her grip.
“I’ve got you baby. I’m not going anywhere” I cried out. Agony tore through my heart, and anger rose. Again, I screamed out. I threw my arms about me, and broke free from her grip. I dug my nails into my arms, tearing at the rips in my skin. Blood ran down my arms, dripping to the floor.
“Baby no!” This time it was her time to cry out. She lurched towards me, and grabbed my arms, covering her hands in blood. MY blood. She held me, restraining me, yet comforting me.
“Shhh” she tried to sooth my sobs once again. She released one of my arms, and stroked my hair.
“It’s okay baby. You’re okay” I clung to her with my free arm, soaking her clothes in blood. I could hear her muffled sobs, even over the sound of my cries.
“Sorry” I breathed. I tried to speak, but I could barely get a word out. I screamed again, and it echoed through the trees. Drip. The sounded could scarcely be heard over our sobs, our cries. Drip. And the blood kept running. Splash. My tears fell. Splash. A tear hit her leg. The blood mixed it stood out on her tan tights. The droplets startled her, and she glanced down. The blood caught her eye, and she looked at my face. A tear rolled down her cheek, black with eyeliner. I wanted to wipe all her tears away, but I couldn’t. Not just because she was restraining me, but because I was weak; too weak to move. I tried to struggle free but she just held me closer. The blood kept running from the rips in my cheeks. She freed my other hand, and wiped away the blood.
“I’m sorry” I whispered again.
“Shhh” her voice sent shivers down my spine, and pain through my heart. “Don’t be sorry. I love you” She whispered in my ear. The pain became agony. I couldn’t take ant more of it. I screamed, louder than before, for longer than before. I mustered up the last of my strength, and dived forward, towards the shining blade. I hit the ground, and shrieked. It was all way too much. The emotion. The thoughts that plague my mind.
“Baby no!” She cried to me! I was holding the blade to my arm, staring blankly.
♠ ♠ ♠
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