Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

This Isn't So hard

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath “Ok. Let’s do this.”

Meifeng smiled and walked over to me. “Ok,” She stared her voice bell like, now that she was closer. “Can you feel the air around you, every particle?” She asked closing her eyes and taking a stance. At this moment I noticed that she was very light on her feet.

I mimicked her movement and closed my eyes. After and short moment I answered. “Yes.”

“Good, now try to manipulate them, like this.” She said and thrusted her hands out and a powerful blast of air smashed into Enki.

I stared in awe.

Enki sat up his hair a tangled mess now.

Hey!” he called shaking an angry fist at her and growled softly.

Meifeng ignored him. “Now you try.” She said and stood aside.

I nodded and took a deep breath and thrusted my hands out in the same motion and a strong blast of air crashed into Enki, who failed to get out of the way because he was too busy with his hair, which was now ruined again.

Meifeng looked at Quidel and smiled and nodded slightly and stepped back.

Enki stood and dusted himself off, his hair a frazzled mess. “This is crazy!” He mumbled, still trying to fix his wind whiped hair, and stood next to me.

He got into a more rooted stance I did exactly as he did. He stomped his foot and a bolder cracked and rose from the ground. He punched the air with his fist the boulder flew into a tree leaving a small dent in the wood.

I watched with awe and nodded.

I can do this!

“Just feel the earth under your feet and manipulate it.” He instructed, sounding a bit more mature I might add.

“Ok.” I said and stomped my foot and a smaller boulder crack from the ground I punched the air with my fist and the boulder flew to the same spot breaking through the tree.

“Nice job.” He complemented and moved so Quidel could take his place next to me.

“Alright, last test. I know you already know how to water bend.” He said and smirked.

“About this morning,” I started and blushed embarrassed. “Sorry.” I said and looked at him my blush fading completely.

“It’s fine. Now focus on the task at hand.” He said and took his stance. It was very straight nothing out of place. He punched his fist in the air and fire roared out. I watched in amazement. Such…control!

I copied his stance, before I had even thought about moving, he stopped me.

He pushed my shoulders back and straightened my back. “Nothing must be out of place or you fire will destroy everything.” He said his voice somewhat dark.

“Ok.” I said and took a deep breath and punched my first forward and flames spilled from my fist in a straight line and ended. I watched as the fire disappeared. I smiled and looked at Quidel. “Like that?” His face was shocked and confused.

“What?” I asked looking at the other in the group.

“You fire, it was…blue.” Quidel said staring at me.

“Is that bad?” I asked looking at my hands.

“No that just means that your fire energy is very powerful.” He explained, snapping his confusion away, as did everyone else, even Minowa.

“This means your are the Avatar.

I gasped softly. Now my life was really going to change.
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Two in one day I'm on a roll. I just hope Someone is actually reading this.
Hop you enjoyed.
Next chapter soon.