Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

Starting Out

I shielded my eyes as the dust began to fly as I heard the soft beating of wings. When the wind died down I opened my eyes. Before me stood a great animal, claimed to be extinct, yet here it stood in front of me! It was a Makio, in other words a griffin.

As I looked at the Makio my mouth dropped open in shock, as did Minowa’s.

Meifeng rubbed its beak gently and smiled at it.

“This is Tygia.” She said and it let out, what sounded like the call of a Eagle and the roar of a lion. It was unique and different. I had never heard anything like it.

Tygia knelt down so we could climb on her back.

After everyone was seated and holding onto her saddle Her large white wings lifted and with one powerful flap we were in the sky. Te cool air blew through my hair. I smiled and looked a Min. She looked terrified. I laughed and looked at everyone else.

Calder was laid back against his pack his eyes closed and the air blowing through his hair. Enki was sitting up leaning over the side of the saddle looking below us. Quidel was leaning against his pack looking off into the distance and Meifeng was sitting on Tygia’s shoulders steering us.

I took a deep breath. “Where are we going?” I asked and looked to someone who would surely answer me. Sure enough someone did.

“We are going to a temple.” Enki’s head popped up and he was smiling big at me.

“Oh, why are we going there?” I asked again.

“So we can train with masters.” He said and smiled with excitement and looked back over the side of the saddle.

“Masters?” Minowa and I said at the same time looking at each other.

“Yes. The masters of all the four elemental styles.” He said and looked at me. I shrunk slightly under his gaze. I felt like I was being annoying.

“They can’t bend the elements?” I asked sitting up straight and leaning in slightly as my interest grew.

“No they can’t they are just masters of the styles, but there are other Masters that can bend the elements.” He said and everyone, even Meifeng turned around to listen to the story.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll add a link of the picture I want to put up here for the Maiko.
Sorry. The site is down for maintenance.
I'll be back to add it soon.
Hope you enjyed this part!