Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

Situation Handled

As we came up to the group at the other end of the market, they were buying the last of the supplies. Minnowa looked at me and saw my morose expression. She walked over to me and touched my shoulder gently.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked looking me in the eye. She recognized the look almost instantly. Rage lit up in her eyes as she whirled around on Quidel. She grabbed his arm and ripped him away from the group.

"What the hell did you do to her?" She asked. She was like a mother bear protecting her cub. Quidel remained cool. he folded his arms over his chest and looked at her.

"Wat are you talking about?"

"What did you do to her?" She asked slowly jutting her thumb over her shoulder at me. Quidel looked over her shoulder and looked back at Min.

"Nothing. I just said a few things to make her calm down." he said and began to walk away. Minnowa dug her nails into his arm and yanked him back.

"What did you say to her?" She asked glaring daggers at him. He stared at her for a moment and told her.

Next thing I know Minoowa is yelling and screaming all kinds of unlady-like words at him. I watched and saw how Quidel's expression went from aloof to sad. He was like a child getting scolded by his mother.

Meifeng noticed what was going on and went over to them, hoping to diffuse the situation. It didn't take long for her to realize what was going on and she began yelling at him as well. Calder and Eniki knew better than to jump in. Soon the yelling stopped and they both pointed in my direction. Quidel slumped over to me, head hanging in shame and muttered words I never thought I'd hear him say.

"I'm sorry." He stalked off quickly to stand behind Calder and Eniki. I watched him walk away and Mei and Min came over to me and I was bombarded by them.

"Are you okay?"
"Did he apologize?"
"He didn't mean it."
"He was just acting stupid!"

"Yea, guys, I'm fine." I said and looked up plastering a happy smile on. Thankfully they believed it and left me alone. Soon we were walking back through the market carrying the supplies we needed. I made sure not to trip over the homeless man again. We never did run into those thugs that were in the alley again.

As we came over the hill to Tygia she stood and stretched her wings. We loaded everything up and got back into the saddle and the wind was rushing though our hair again.
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Another chapter!
Merry Christmas!!
Hope you enjoyed!