Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

Into The Forest

I was shaken awake by Quidel.

"Emiko! Wake the hell up!" He yelled into my ear. I shot up and looked around, my breathing heavy and fast. Quidel just looked at me like I was stupid.

"Calm down. It's just me." He stood and looked around trying to figure out where the others were. Her scratched his head. "Hmm," I looked at him and stood as well. I dusted my clothes off and realized we were on a large root. I looked around frantically. I noticed we were surrounded by huge trees.

"My word." I said as i kept looking around. When I looked back at Qui's direction he was walking away from me, jumping over the large roots and leaving me behind!

"Hey!" I yelled jumping from the root I was on and landing in a puddle of mud. After a quick icky face and ran after him. Once I caught up he looked as if he were lost.

"Are we lost?" I asked as he looked at the fork in the path. He took a deep breath.


Meifeng sat up and looked around, she was in a field, but trees blocked out the sky above her. "Calder? Eniki? Emiko? Quidel? Minnowa?" She called all of their names hoping to hear a response.

"Meifeng?" called Eniki. He came through the trees and ran over to her. "Hey are you okay?" He asked eyes serious and full of worry.

"Yes." She said and stood up dusting herself off. she pulled a few twigs from her long wispy hair. She looked around. "Looks like we're lost." She said softly. A stick broke in the just outside the ring of trees surrounding the field. "And we're not alone." She said eyes narrowing as she looked around.

Eniki looked around for a moment before he closed his eyes. It was much easier to sense vibrations this way. He felt a foot step to the left. He got into his stance, quickly, and thrusts his open hands in the step's direction. he closed his hands and trapped the creature. He pulled his closed fists back and the rocks pulled the creature into view.

"Eniki, you'd better let that sprout go." She said taking a few steps back. The sprout yelled in a different ancient language of clicks and whistles. It shook trying to get free. It was a tree with legs and arms. It was a baby Titan Sprout

"Why it was sneaking up on us?" He said still holding onto it. Suddenly the ground rumbled.

"Eniki. Let it go and run as fast as you can. okay?" Meifeng said taking steps back as she heard trees snapping in the forest.

"But-" he was cut off by a loud roar that echoed through the forest.

"Run!" Meifeng screamed and took off running in the opposite direction. Eniki followed suit as it roar again and came into the clearing. The rocks fell away from the baby Sprout and it clicked and whistled at its mother.

Calder was startled awake by the loud roars of a Titan Sprout. He looked around him and saw Minnowa a short distance away from him. He scrambled over to her and knelt by her side.

"Min. Minnowa?" He said looking at her his eyes full of worry and fear for her. He tapped her face gently and she groaned, opening her eyes.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked holding her head and sitting up slowly.

"We were swept up by a tornado." He explained helping her to her feet.

"A tornado? Why the hell were we be a tornado?" She asked again looking confused.

"I surprised us." he said looking around hearing the rustle of many paws through the under brush. "We aren't alone." He said as he heard the choking cackle of a Brush Beast. "Do you think you can fight?" he asked looking back at her.

"Yes." She said as the large monsters emerged from the surrounding brush.
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Hope you enjoyed.