Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

As a Child

The sun shines brightly through the bedroom windows of Doshi's Girl's Home. Emiko was already awake and was meditating in the backyard garden. The gong in the front of the building sounded three times. Soon after wards sleepy yawns and groans of young girls filled the room upstairs. Emiko opened her bright soft green eyes and sighed softly. It was time to get ready for Adoption Day. Emiko stood from the rather tall rock she was sitting on. She stretched her little body and jumped from the rock. She landed perfectly. A bright and happy smile plastered itself on her face. She ran along the winding path back to the building.

She stumbled up the steps and through the back door. "Morning!" She called her tiny bell like voice carrying to the cooks like always.

"Morning Emiko,dear!" called the head cook, Nani.

Emiko hustled up the stairs, tripping only once, and into the large bathroom with all the other girls. She pushed her way through the older girls to her spot in the back with all the younger girls. She pulled her step stool, which had her name on it, up to the sink.

She climbed onto of it and began to brush her teeth. I'm so excited for today! Hopefully someone will adopt me! She though making sure to get each and every tooth. Once she was finished she washed her face. Once she was all done in the bathroom she went back to her room.

She was in a room with five other girls her age. Ms. Doshi separated the age groups so no one would feel stressed.

Emiko skipped over to her bed and knelt down next to it. She pulled out a box that had her Adoption Day dress in it. She set the box on her bed. She pulled her night gown and put it in the hamper.

She was about to change into her dress when something hit the back of her head.

"Hey!" She called out looking around.

The other girls giggled in unison and whispered amongst themselves. Finally her soft eyes caught the mean one's of her sworn enemy, Minowa.

Emiko shook her head and went back to getting ready. Minowa threw another toy at Emiko. This time Emiko was expecting it. She turned to see the toy and dodged it.

"Leave me alone, Minnow!!" She yelled and glared at the evil girl.

"Make me." Minowa said and walked over to Emiko. Emiko took a step back. "That's what I thought. She's just a wimp." She laughed and turned around and skipped back to her bed.

Emiko knew it was wrong to use her power to hurt someone, but at the moment she didn't care. She saw a cup of water sitting on the nightstand between her bed and another's. She looked at the cup and pulled her hand up and the water was pulled from the cup.

She forced her hand in Minowa's direction and water splashed all over Minowa, who was already in her dress. The girls gasped then laughed pointing at Minowa as tears came to her big brown eyes.

Ms. Doshi's voice carried up the stairs. "Girls are you almost ready?"

Every one fell silent at the question and in unison called out. "Hai!" Emiko hurried and put her dress on.

She pulled her long wavy black hair into a pony tail and braided it. She looked at Minowa as she cried. The rest of the girls, now in their dresses hurried out of the room.

Emiko looked down and walked over to Minowa. She looked down at her bare feet for a moment. "I'm sorry Minowa." She said looking up at her.

Minowa just glared back at her. "No your not." She said and tried to push past her so she could go tell on her.

Emiko raised both of her hands and pulled the water off of Minowa. Emiko walked away way the ball of water floating above her. She slipped on her black Mary Jane's and continued to the door.

"Freak." She heard Minowa mumbled from behind her.

She froze in place form the insult. Her eyes grew sad as well as her face. She walked out of the room and back into the bathroom.

She let the water fall into the sink. She looked down at the floor for a moment.

Nobody liked her and she knew it. Why am I even here? She thought to herself with a sad sigh. She looked out of the bathroom to see Minowa walking to the stairs.

Their eyes met and Minowa huffed and walked down the stairs. Emiko's eyes remained sad and she sighed again. Upstairs was now empty. She was all alone and it was silent, aside from the giddy chatter from down stairs.

"Emiko!" she heard ms. Doshi call from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hai!" She said and hurried down the stairs.

"What's wrong dear?" Ms. Doshi asked when she said Emiko's sad eyes.

Emiko shook her head and looked down.

Ms. Doshi knelt down and placed a finger under Emiko's chin and made her look up.

"Smile. Today is a good day." She said and smiled at her.

She poked Emiko on the nose and the little girl laughed instantly and smiled.

Ms. Doshi walked into the living room and clapped a few times. "OK girls." She said and they all lined up she looked back at Emiko and she ran and got in line as well.
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Hope you like it!