Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

Getting Out Of The Forest

Eniki smiled at Meifeng. He knelt down and touched the ground with his hand. He closed his eyes as he sensed the vibrations. He felt paw steps and human foot steps. "That way." He said pointing up stream. They took of running up the stream.

Quidel grabbed my arm and spun me around and began to yell. "What the hell?!" I could feel the heat waves leaping from his body.

I heard the fox yip and i turned to look at it. I ripped my arm from his grip and began to chase it again. Soon we were at a river where we saw Minnowa and Calder fighting of the wolf like creatures and Eniki and Meifeng running up.

I took my stance as a Brush Beast stood in front of my growling. I stomped my foot and the ground under it shot up into the air and into the thick canopy above us. Sunlight filtered down through the hole. Quidel let fire grow in the center of his hands and let it grow.

I could feel the forest gain an uneasy feeling. I grabbed his wrist. "Don't!" I looked at him as his face changed with anger. "The forest doesn't like fire." She said and kicked a brush beast as it ran at them. It flew into the water and she froze the water around it quickly. She turned back to Quidel and saw he had fire raised in his palm again. She moved her hands in a fluid motion and slashed water on Quidel. "I said don't" She said and used extra water and smack away a brush beast.

Meifeng and Eniki were handling there own. Meifeng twisted her hand and created a small twister and spun two brush beast around smacking them into each other. A brush beast ran at Eniki and he thrusted his fist into the air and and a wall of rock rose from the ground and the beast ran into it knocking itself out. The remained of the pack scurried off into the forest.

We gathered around and checked over everyone. "Is everyone okay?" I asked looking around.

"I'm not." said Quidel still soaking wet. I looked at him and pulled the water from his body and thew it to the ground.

I felt eyes watching us and i looked behind the group and see the fox creature. It yipped at me again and stood. "It wants me to follow it." I said softly.

"What?" asked Meifeng and she turned around.

"Nothing follow me." I said and began to walk in the direction of the fox. Everyone began to follow after a few shrugs and strange looks. Soon we were led to a part of the jungle where there were vines everywhere. We heard Tygia screech. We all ran in the direction of it and saw her tangled up in vines.

"Ty!" Meifeng called and ran over to her. She began to cut the thick vines with her air bending. We all helped out and soon we had her free. As everyone gathered out gear from around her i sneak off to find the fox.

"Hey. Fox. Where are you?" I whispered looking around. It yipped behind me and I turned around. "Thank for helping us out." I say kneeling down and petting it gently on the head. It licked my hand.

"Emiko!" I heard Quidel yell.

"See you around." I smiled before turning back to the direction I came from. "Coming." I turned around and the fox was done. I stare for a moment.

"Emiko!" Quidel again. I run over to the group and jump up onto Tygia before she gets up. Meifeng blasts a large hole through the canopy and we fly out.
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Hope you all enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading.