Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

Ten Years Later

Emiko stood in the bathroom she was fixing her long curly black hair. Her soft green eyes looked at her hardened features. She hadn't been adopted and knew that she wouldn't. She would be eighteen soon and could move out on her own. My birthday can't come soon enough She thought as she finished her long braid. She grabbed the end and wrapped it around the top making it into a bun. She stuck two hair sticks into it to hold it in place. She smiled at herself and walked down the stairs. She rubbed the heads of the younger girls as they passed her.

She made her way through the living room and into the kitchen. "Morning Nani." She said and grabbed an apple. "Morning Emi. How are you this morning?" Nani asked. She hadn't changed much over the years. The only thing that had was her hair. She now had streaks of gray from stress. "I'm doing good. Just heading out for my morning meditation." She said taking a few bites of her apple. "Your late aren't you?" Nani said and smiled at her. "It happens." She joked shrugging her shoulders and smiled finishing the apple and throwing the core into the trash can.

She walked down the familiar winding path to the training grounds. As she got there she took a deep breath. She sat down on a mat and closed her eyes. She crossed her legs and rest her arms out to the side of her. She touched her index finger with her thumb and began meditating. She meditated for about an hour before she finally moved. She then started her basic stretches. After that she began the real training. She did flexibility training first.

She sat back onto the ground. She stretched so that her forehead touched her knees. Then she opened her legs and stretched to the right then to the left. She leaned forwards so that her forehead touched the mat. She did many other stretches to complete this first part of her training. She went to her locked in the Training grounds building and grabbed a fresh pair of socks and her running shoes. She slipped her socks on and slid her feet into her shoes. She walked out of the building and got herself ready for her run. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and started her laps around the track. She ran 10 miles before she stopped. She was slightly out of breath but she didn't stop. She jumped right into the next exercise. She did push ups and crunches. Now it was time for sparing.

She took her shoes off and put the dirty socks into the hamper in the locker room. She walked back out and was taping her wrists. She looked at the sparing mat and saw Minowa. She walked over and looked down at her. "You ready?" She asked looking down at her. Minowa's brown eyes looked up at her and smiled smiled. "I was born ready." She stood up and they bowed to each other. They got back into their fighting stances.
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Hope you enjoyed!!