Status: Writers Block. No Motivation

The Life of an Unwanted Bender

A Stranger

We both panted heavily sweat forming on our brows. I took a deep breath and went in for the attack again. Minowa did the same. I threw kicks and punches in her direction dodging and avoiding her's at the same time. Finally I landed a blow. She stumbled backwards slightly and doubled over. She took a knee and the match was over. I walked over to her still breathing heavily.

"Min, you ok?" I asked looking down at my friend.

She looked up and smiled. "Yea. You've got the kick of a horse." She said slightly pained. She stood, still holding her stomach.

I chuckled softly knowing she would be alright. "Sorry." I said and put an arm around her waist and she slung her's over my shoulders.

We walked back to the house. "Thanks Emi." She said and smiled walking up the back stairs and into the house.

I walked back to the pound and take a deep breath. Now I was ready to bend. I took a firm confiedent step out onto the water. It froze as my bare foot came in contact with it. A faint smile crossed my face as I took another step.


That wasn't good!

I whirled around and looked behind me, by this time I was in the middle of the pound, the ice was cracking and melting. This had never happened before. I also saw steam rising from the pond. I looked around for the one who had caused this to happen.

My eyes settled on a young man. He had dark skin and even dark hair. His eyes were a soft shade of brown and he had a smirk planted on his handsome face.

"Hey! What's the big idea, eh?!" I yelled shaking an angry fist at him. He just kept smirking.

I'll wipe that stupid smirk off of you face! I thought facing my hand towards the water.

"I didn't know there were other benders around here." he said back. This is when I noticed the he was
1. Shirtless and
2. In a tree.

He jumped from the tree and walked through the garden. I could literally feel the waves of heat rolling off of his body. I took a deep breath and froze the water back to the bank. I walked back to the edge of the pound.

I raised my hand and water snaked into the air and hardened into ice spikes.

“Don’t come any closer!” I yelled glaring at him; my normally soft green eyes were hardened and cold. “Who are you?”

He just smirked at my warning and kept walking. He froze mid step as an ice spike stabbed into the ground where his next step would be.

“The next one won’t miss.” I warned and he stayed still.

“I guess we’ll have to yell at each other to talk.” He said and chuckled softly.

“Don’t beat around the bush! Whoa re you?!” I demand again. He just looked at me his soft brown eyes looking at me.

“I am Quidel.” He said and bowed low then stood straight again. His eyes still studied me.

“Well, Quidel, what are you doing here?” I asked my hand still holding the spike in the air.

“I’m here to ask you to join our group.” He said his hands shoved into the pokes of his baggy shorts.

I looked at him confused for a moment. “What group?”

“There is a group of benders. We currently have an Air, water, fire and Earth bender.”

“Then why do you need me?” I asked raising a suspicious eyebrow

“Well you have the ability to control all of the elements.” He said taking a cautious step closer.

I looked down as he spoke but when he moved I was back on my guard.

“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” He said pulling his hands from his pockets and holding them up.

“I still glared at him.

“How do I know that?” I hissed at him.

“You don’t. I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” He said and reached a hand out. “I will answer all of you questions. Just come with me.” He said and smiled charmingly.

I blushed lightly an looked away. “I can’t.” I breathed quietly.

“Why not?” He asked his hand dropping back to his side and his face wrinkling in confusion.

“Well you see, I’m not allowed to leave. Not for another week. Not until I turn eighteen ”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to my readers ( if there are any) for the long wait. I had no inspiration.