My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 105

I dropped my shoulders and my jaw began to shake as all the rage left my body in a single moment of realization. "Gee... I'm sorry," I muttered, looking up to him and pleading for forgiveness with a depth I t hought would show through my eyes.

He stood up and continued, "No you're not. Sienna, quit thinking you're so perfect. Quit acting so innocent! You can't blame everything bad that happens on eeryone else to ease your pain, it doesn't work like that! Grow up- learn to take the blame for your own actions! Don't get everyone else mixed up in meses that aren't theirs! You're discusting.... I... I can't believe you sometimes... Just... jesus christ!"

I'd never seen Gerard so angry before- and at me. I automatically wished I were somewhere else, as if he would do something unexpected, and almost dangerous. I began to shake uncontrollably, as if Gerard were some sort of criminal and I were in some sort of danger.

His eyes suddenly softened. "I... I'm sorry... Sienna, I didn't mean it," he remarked, seeing the look in my eyes.

"Just go," I said quietly.

"Anna... I'm sorry," he repeated, grabbing my shoulder.

"Gee- just leave," I repeated, shaking him off and turning to face the dark, empty street.

After nothing longer than a moment, I heard his footsteps slowly begin to move away from me before they turned around and left back for the door...