My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 111

It was a week before things were even close to normal. The doctors decided that Heather had developed some sort of maternal depression. They told her to consider a cousellor for her problems and to maybe consider some sort of medication. As you are already aware, there was a chance that the baby wouldn't make it- lack of nutrition or something of the sort. Heather had to go for another check up and an ultrasound a few weeks from now. She was sent home on Tuesday and she manages to replace the carpet in her room before her parents got home from their trip.

Other than that, Heather wasn't at home- nobody trusted her alone. She was either at Sienna's house, or she was at Gerard and Mikey's house. She was dependant- as much as she tried to resist it. After something like that happens... I guess you can't really explect to be left alone too much.

It took Sienna almost until that Tuesday to... absorb the situation. She fell in and out of short naps, trying to catch up on sleep. I figured it was just a common case if insomnia. And stress. Now that I think about it- I'm not even sure.

She'd sleep... Wake up... Go to sleep again... Cry... Sleep. She barely ate. Barely moved from her bed. Nobody tried to move her. We just checked on her. Well.. I checked on her. I didn't want anything to happen to her. I didn't want her to think that nobody cared. I wanted her to know I was there. I promised her I'd always be there. I had to live up to that promise.