My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 125

Anna's POV

I knew I shouldn't be smoking- it was the last thing I should be doing- but I needed that satisfaction. I needed it almost as much as I needed to know that Frank wasn't going anywhere. I needed it about as much as I needed... a chocolate fudge sundae?

I hugged Frank tightly, feeling his free hand tangle through my hair. "Frank- why did it have to be her?"

"I don't know Sienna, I wish I had the answer. Maybe she was able to fufil her life the way it was supposed to be. I guess it was just her time... as short as it was."

I sighed. "Can we leave? Just get outta here. Maybe go see Jacob or something."

"Did you want to leave," he asked.

"Well- I don't want to stick around here," I stated, entwining my fingers in his as I walked towards the car.

I wouldn't dare let anyone know that it wasn't Mikey's son that I wanted to go to the hospital for. I needed... to talk to someone. I needed a... oh geeze- a result. From a test. I'd been late before- but this was makign me feel incredibly awkward, and I needed to know the truth now. And I needed to know it for sure before I told anyone about it.