My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 126

I sighed miserably as I dragged my heavy feet down the hall towards the maternity wing, where I knew Frank was waiting for me, looking down on Mikey's kid. He thought I was going to get something to eat. But I wasn't. I would love to tell you all that Mikey would be here soon- but I knew tonight, Mikey had a reservation with the cemetary- with Heather.

I walked up behind Frank and peered down at little Jacob, sleeping inside his little world. I wished that I could be in that word for just a bit- Free of stress and worry. He looked so content, from what I could tell. From what most people would ever pay attention to- the baby looked like Heather from what you could tell. But it still had a lot of developing to do. It didn't matter, because I knew that if anyone ever said that this child looked like Mikey in his presence, he would stubornly disagree. Nobody would argue with him.
"I've ogt to go," I managed to say in a shaky voice.

"What? Why?"

"I just... I need to go," I simplified.

"Why? Common, I'll come with you," he offered.

"No," I argued stubbornly. "I don't want you to- I want to be alone!"

A look of shock came across his face. "Oh... Okay- Well... do you need a ride anywhere?"

I shook my head.

"Uh- alright... I guess I'll talk to you later then?"

I sighed. "Frankie... I'm sorry. I'm just in a really bad mood- this has been... the worst day... I just- want to go home." I hugged him tightly and exhaled a fit of air.

"It's alright. Do you want me to give you a ride home or anything?"

"No- it's alright... I just- I want to walk home."

"It's kind of far."

"Yea," I agreed. "It is... but I need the fresh air. I'll call you later."

"Okay," he said with a smile, lightly kissing me before I left the room and walked down the hall, breaking it into a job as a string rose in my throat and I fought back the tears.