My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 13

The sun was especially bright upstairs. On the way to her room, I passed her brother, who made a kissy face at me and I shoved him towards the wall and creaked open Anna's door as he disappeared down the stairs. I stood in the doorway for a moment, felling like a perv when I realized I was staring at her ivory colored skin with the dark mop on her head, which was almost always perfect. After a second, I entered the heated room and walked up to the bed.

I bent down, so that my face was less than an inch from hers and lingered there few seconds before I knew she felt my presence. Then I put my hand on her shoulder and my mouth close to her ear. "Anna," I shook her shoulder lightly. " Hey- you sleeping? Everyone's awake now, they want you up," I whispered.

With one heavy breath, she opened her eyes wearily and looked over at me, and I smiled childishly. "Hey," she greeted, reaching her arm out to mine.

"Good morning," I greeted back. "Ready to get up?" I asked, starting to stand up when she grabbed my hand.

"No, it's like...eight in the morning on a Saturday... why are you awake so early? Go back ot bed." And she pulled my down. I tried to sit up, then quickly fell into the spell I was under.

"But... I have to go with Mikey... for a job..."I started, letting my eyelids start to fall with each blink I made.

"Mikey can wait... he's... probably with... Heather anyways." she yawned, cuddling closer. A weird sensation came over me before my eyelids finally stayed shut and let me sleep in the tiring sun.


"Guys... wake up!" I heard, as Bob shoved me off the bed, and onto the hard floor, where I rubbed my head and yawn.

"Ow... what time is it?" I asked, and stood up, only coming up to Bob's eyes and having to look up to actually see him, since I was cursed with shortness. 5'5''... yuppers, that was me, well, me and... I guess Anna was the same height as me. People at school almost always had to make some kind of remark about the shortness- since they all hit their growth spurt and look like trees. In my opinion; they look like freakish giraffes, I'm still waiting to grow just a little taller.

"It's time to wake up, you lazy, fat, lard," he insulted. I wasn't fat, he was fatter... or maybe that was all muscle, better not say anything.

"Okay, okay... I only stopped to shut my eyes, no big deal."

"Yea... sure," he rolled his eyes and he left the room.

Anna was sitting on the edge of her bed. Why was he so mean to me? No one likes me-wah! "I guess they're mad at me today... I didn't do nothing," I reamrked.

"Well, no matter what, you better get going before they spank you."

I playfully pretended to make a worried face before I raced down the stairs at full blast and met Mikey at the front door. "Ready to go, sleepy head?"

I shook my head then nodded after he cocked an eyebrow at me.

Thankfully... Mikey's addicted to coffee and stopped at a Starbucks on the way to my first shot at getting a job...a place that I don't know yet! This was going to be a long... long... long day, thank the lord for giving us coffee.