My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 134

Smoke filled up the car.

"Gerard, can you put that out," Frank said irritably from the back seat as puffs of smoke filled the car.

"Yea," Mikey agreed, taking a quick glance off the road to his brother in the seat beside him.

Gerard continued to blow smoke-circles around us and I just saw the beginning of my hands trembling. He was doing it just to annoy us all- you could tell by the horrid smirk on his face. Mikey was right- Gerard had changed. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or not, but he had changed in a most ignorant of ways.

"Fuck, Gerard! Put that shit out before I push you out of the car," I screamed, kicking the seat in irritation.

He turned around and smirked before yet again, blowing more smoke in my face.

I growled and went to throw myself at him, but more than the seat belt got in my way. Frank's arm was holding me back as he shouted the same order at Gee, while Mikey yelled at all of us, informing that we were being immature and he couldn't concentrate- So if we failed to stop our fighting, he would stop the car. I slouched back and pouted after kicking Gee's seat one last time- a form of childish revenge.

He took a drag before turning back to me and saying, "Fine- You want it out so bad, then I'll put it out," before throwing it out the window and muttering that we're all a bunch of moody, bitchy fucks. How immature...

"Now can you all pretend to get along so that we can go through one simply evening of peace with our friends?" Mikey turned to all of us as he arrived at the restaurant where we were to meet Bob and Ray for a casual dinner, all though it seemed that no one was in the mood.

But either way, we plastered on our smiles and walked into the welcoming restaurant, making our way to the table our friends were sitting at. We hadn't really seem them in the last little while, and we wanted to catch up. Not to maention the idea that everyone was leaving soon. Gerard for work in New York, Bob for work in Chicago, Frank and Mikey for college, and me... here. Alone. Ray was undecided of his adventures, but he knew he wanted to pursue them. I wasn't stopping anybody. I would still see them.

I wouldn't go to college- but I would get along anyway. I would buy an appartment, and spend my many spare hours working on it to make it perfect. I would watch Jacob while Mikey was away, and his or Heather's parent's couldn't watch him. I would look around for a good stable job that would catch my eye, and maybe be enough to get me going. I would get along fine. At least that was the idea I would drill into my head.