My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 137

I quietly began pulling lights and pictures out of boxes without looking a Mikey, who was silently doing the same.

I could tell he would look at me awkwardly in a quick glance before going back to his work. "You'll take care of Jacob, right?"

I looked at him, shoked that he had spoken. "Yea- Of course I will. I promised, didn't I?"

He nodded and looked back at what he was doing. "You know I wouldn't be here... But I need this. I can't go through life without a job. You know I would've given this up in a second if..."

"Yes... Yea- I know. You don't need to explain yourself," I said awkwardly, placing pictures along the shelf, trying hard not to look at them. I wished to not have a nervous breakdown here- Not right now.

"You promise to-"

"Yes, Mikey- I'll call if anything happens."

He sighed and nodded nervously once more.

I didn't feel much like talking- I didn't feel like bringing up things in the past. I didn't feel like being here, and I most deffinately did not plan on gaining fourty pounds in only a few months. I felt awkward in my own body, and I felt as if everyone around me had noticed. I looked discusting, and felt even worse. For a second, I shook away a trace of nassuea and dizziness just in time for Frank to walk in the room.

I looked up and smiled, taking a box and doing the same I had done with the last. Once I had finished it, I sighed and felt a sudden erge to sit down.

"You really shouldn't be helping us with all this... common, we can do the rest," Frank stated.

"No... I'm okay," I stated stubbornly.

"No your not, you're swaying," Mikey pointed out.

"Oh- am I," I stated in a distant manner before sitting down on the bed and blinking numerous times.

"Anna, are you gonna be okay to drive home?"

"Oh yea," I stated. "I'll be fine..." I stood up and made my way across the room.

And that was the last thing I remember.