My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 14

Anna's POV

I stood in the middle of the kitchen, happily munching on toast and jam, with a glass of orange juice in my right hand. I looked over at Heather sipping her coffee at the table, she raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips to one side. She was edging on to something. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," she replied, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, while lying accusingly.

"Oh Heather, common. What'd I do to you?"

"It's not what you did to me that's important, it's what you did to Frank," she accusingly said.

Confused, I sat down across from her. "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that... it's what you did with Frank."

I made an annoying humming sound with my mouth and looked away. "What are you talking about, we never did anything," I explained. If she didn't understand that, this was hopeless.

I looked down at my lonely glass of orange juice sitting on the table, half empty (or was it half full?) then heard her edge on, "Up stairs..." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Yea... I was sleeping, remember? I couldn't have done anything. And so was Frank, so whoever stole something of yours, it wasn't us."

"No retard, no one stole anything. I'm talking about cuddling with Frankie like the couple you should be," she giggled.

I gasped. "Heather! I was sleeping." she put the hand across the table, on mine and moved her face closer, saying something that would probably be important.

"But what about the other thing," she whispered kindly, letting her eyes glow warmer, a new hint of friendliness falling across her face. "You like him, don't you," she asked and I let my shoulders drop as my face turned pink.

"No... we're only friends Heather, that'd never happen."

She smiled. "That's what he said... it's what they all say! Admit it, you do like him though."

"What do you mean? I'm telling the truth, we are friends... nothing else."

"But you shouldn't be," she whispered. "you know it, you two belong together."

I burned an even darker shade of red and shook my head. "But it wouldn't work out anyways. It would spoil our friendship."

My heart started beating faster, before I felt it skip a beat. "It would so work out, you pessimist. Everyone knows it... ask them. He likes you," she stated.

I put my head in my hands, now feeling confused and somewhat hurt. Heather was hurting my feelings... why would she lie about something like this... it couldn't be the truth. I only wished to god it was... but Frank and I would never be 'the perfect couple', that was Heather and Mikey's position.

I got up, rather bothered by what she had to say, and rushed up the stairs, hearing her call out for me once before I locked my door and collapsed on my bed in a swirl of confusion.

I had to talk to Frankie. The last thing I wanted to happen was to break our friendship, I'd rather have that than anything in the world, even him as something more... It was the thing I feared the most in life, Frank was my best friend... my only closest friend, my counselor, my escape from reality and my guardian angel. He was there the times when no one else could be, he was there when he didn't want to be, or when he was supposed to be somewhere else. He'd ditched his family for me, skipped classes for me, gotten suspended because of me and taken the blame for me on numerous occasions.

But, even after all this... perhaps Heather had thrown my brain in another direction...