My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 41

I managed to get home in one piece, and without getting a million phonecalls asking if I were okay. I walked into the front door, said hello to my father and told him I was tired and was going for a nap.

He cleared his throat and put his newspaper aside, taking off his glasses. "Sienna, just wait- I wanted to talk to you.

I sighed, "Dad, I'm really tired. Can we talk later?"

"No. Actually. I wanted to tell you I talked to your mother this afternoon."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, common!"

"Sienna, just listen to me," he orderred, letting his temper fly.

I sat on the couch, crossed my arms, and yelled back, "She disowned me- Why should I care about what she has to say?"

"She did it with a good reason," he stated, piercing me roughly.

"Oh," I stated, showing that I was obviously hurt. "So now you're going to start up too?"

He sighed and took a long, deep breath. "Sienna, you don't understand... You're throwing your life away- You're too young to make these sorts of decisions on your own."

"I am not," I argued. "This is completely my decision!"

"You're ruining your life!"

"So you're saying I ruined yours?"

"Sienna.... stop it," he stated.

Ignoring his 'request', I continued on my speal, "Oh yea, I forgot- You're not my father!"

"That's enough," he yelled as he raised his hand and his face turned red. "You will deal with this accordingly, or you will find somewhere else to stay. This has already gone too far!"

"You know what? I don't care," I screamed in anger, jumping up from the couch so that I was closer.

"Fine then," he stated as I watched him switch his glance to the floor. "I'll give you enough time to find a place. I want you gone by the end of the month."

My jaw dropped- I didn't expect him to actually mean it. "But," I started. "That's it? You're just gonna kick me out?"

"You've made your own decision, Sienna," he stated. "I love you, but you're barely eighteen- You have your entire life ahead of you to grow up and you have no idea what this will do to you. It's not just school you're throwing away. It'll be hard enough finding a job after that. You know... you're the first person in this family not to get a secondary diploma. You're putting your family to shame- You've done this to yourself."

"My family's shamed themselves," I spat, hiding the first tear in my eye as I crossed my arms and walked away. I went to my room and slammed to door harshly before I locked it and had a good long cry-session.

I knew I needed to change, and I knew I couldn't do it here. I needed support, and that was too scarce here. Life was hard, but I knew I could make it better if I only got away from this place, these people. So I thought up an epiphany.