My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 160

Anna's POV

I woke up startled- Not out of a dream, but because I realized I was alone. Frank was gone and he hadn't left a note or anything... Figured. I sighed and got up to go to the washroom and glanced around just long enough to realize that the prescription bottle Gerard had given me was also gone... I figured that too. I continued on my way and walked into the kitchen after my bathroom break. I opened the fridge and skimmed the shelf for a snack before the voice came into my head again;

You know eating isn't going to help you. It will only make him leave. It's why he's gone all the time...

I sighed and closed the fridge, dragging my feet on my way to the couch as I plopped myself down and turned on the t.v.

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door. I figured it wasn't Frank because he would have let himself in- he had a key. I looked a the clock, which read 5:37 before dragging myself upwards and opening the door. There in front of me was the last person I'd ever expect to see. There in front of my was my younger brother with a backpack flung over his shoulder.

"Matt... What are you doing here," I asked.

He cleared his throat and kept his head down. "I... I was wondering if I could stay here for a while."

"Why," I asked.

He shrugged, "Things are getting kind of hard at home."

"Oh," I mumbled. "Yea... Sure, come in."

"Thanks," he muttered.

"Matt... How did you get here?"

"Took the bus," he stated, looking up to reveal a large bruise surrounding his cheekbone and eye.

"Ohmygod. Matt... What happened to your face?"

He groaned. "Thanks, you're just filled with compliments."

"I'm serious. Who did this to you? Someone at school?"


"Than who?"

"No one," he said harshly. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does, Matti. Who did it," I asked sternly, coming closer to him and realizing just how similar to me he was in size. We were short, and we didn't have much of a build.

"Sienna, why do you care so much? They can't do it anymore, alright?"

I lifted up his chin, shifting his face to get a better gaze at the blue and black swelling.

My voice went really quiet and I asked, "Did mom do this?"

He suddenly shifted away from me and glared at me. "No," he said surely. "It wasn't mom; It was someone else! Not like it matters; You don't know! You weren't there!"

"What do you mean," I asked again sternly.

He walked down the hall and frustratedly shouted, "She got a new boyfriend!"