My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 167 [Technically 166]

"Who'd a thought that you'd be the kind of kid that I'd have fun with in the mall," I giggle, wiping ice cream from my nose.

Matt laughs hysterically, spilling half-melted ice-cream out onto the table, making me cringe in my seat.

"Aw, sick," he mumbles in almost as much disgust as me. "Common, let's move, this spot's been christened."

I raise an eyebrow, but get up and move anyways, walking down the food court and back into the long hall of shops and stores. Shopping bags drape from my wrists and an ice cream cone is slowly melting in my right fist.

"Hey Anna... Doesn't it feel weird?"

"What," I ask in confusion.

"I dunno... Having something inside of you. Isn't it weird," he asks, turning slightly pink.

I sigh at his curiosity. "Yea... I guess it is."

"Are you scared?"

"Well aren't you curious," I state with a light laughter before it faded and I found myself searching the group for words to say. "Yea, You could say I'm scared... How couldn't I be?"

It was suddenly awkward. At least that's what I thought until he asked quietly, "Do you regret it?"

My eyes quickly shot up with a quick answer. "No. I know it's not perfect timing or anything, and it wasn't supposed to happen, but that doesn't matter- It still did. And it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't supposed to; You'll learn similar things. Of course, I'm not advising you to go out and- "

"Yea, I get it," he says lightly, avoiding an awkward talk between siblings.

"We've grown up fast, Matt- We know how to take care of ourselves. I guess it's kind of a family trait."

"I hate her," he says quickly.

"Matt... Don't say that; Don't take after me. Even if she isn't always the most rational woman, she works to get what she wants. She's not a bad human being. She has flaws, just like any of us. I guess she was trying to protect you guys when she kicked me out... I'm not a good role model, Matt. It's something I've realized. I'm not even a very good human being at times..."

My brother was suddenly quiet as we walked through the mall, passing stores which we would otherwise enter if we weren't in conversation.

"Why do you think she never talked about dad?"

I shrug. "I couldn't tell you... Maybe it's the same reason Heather's family doesn't talk about her. Awkwardness, I suppose. Or maybe fear... Fear of bringing up a past that isn't there anymore. It's a way of erasing the bad memories."

"Sounds like it would drive someone insane," Matt mumbles.

I smile and ruffle his hair- Or at least attempt at it. It is easy to see that my brother, unlike me, has not inherited to short gene in the family; easily standing a foot taller than I. "Are any of us really sane," I stated.

"Common," I say, pulling him into my side. "Let's go home. I think we've had enough dramatic conversation for one day."