My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 2

On with the story...

I march down the street, which is rather long for a street (and my house which just happens to be at the very end of the dead end)... towards the park, where I'm meeting Frank... or Frankie as I tend to often call him, along with any other weird nicknames thrown in. He is in two of my four high school classes. He plays guitar in a band called Pencey Prep and he's their lead vocalist. I wouldn't say he's bad; actually, he's pretty good. You can tell when he's coming because he always makes a big commotion. He's been my best friend since seventh grade, when I first moved to this side of town. My mother doesn't approve of him at all, but hey, we’re only friends. Not like I've never thought of dating Frank, I mean... he does sound pretty cool, right? It's just... well, it's a complicated story.

I sit on the side of the water fountain in the center on the park and put on my over-sized, dark sunglasses and do up my sweater, trying to cover as much of the lame school uniform as possible. I look down at my watch- 8:21 AM, huh; he's 5 minutes late. But just wait, he's going to pop up any second, jump over me, balance on the fountain, if he's lucky, not fall in, then jump in the seat next to me and tug on my hair while pulling off a wide-set grin. This all happens in about 10 seconds.

"Hey Anna." he says, and pulls on my hair. I smile, baring my teeth. "Hey... nice lip ring."

I watch him uncomfortably stare at it for a moment before I remark, "Yea, you too." Frankie's had his lip ring for almost two years now, so it was kind of funny. I watch him giggle childishly.

He adjusts his tie, which is never tied properly, after sitting there for a few minutes and said, "Well, we’d better get going, or we'll miss first period."

I pondered at the thought. "How many days do you have left before you lose your credit?" I asked.

He shrugged without much thought. "I don’t know, 3 or 4, I already got my phone call home, what about you?"

"Same, my mom almost killed me." Then, I shrugged it off. "Want to skip fist period?"

Without any hesitation, he answered, "Hell yea."

Though it may not have been the smartest thing to have done, we figured, we're young, so why not? "Let's go swimming." I suggested, picking up my school bag and heading back down the long street home.

"Yay!" Frankie clapped his hands and pulled me forward on our way. Everyone should have been gone from my house already, so we should be able to sneak past to go to Parker Lake, this weird little lake Frank and I found when I moved here. It's up the path behind my house.

Wow, I never knew what I was in for that day.