My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 23

After band practice, I could have gone straight home, but all my school books were at Sienna's house.

On the way there, I saw Gerard and Mikey speed past me; then come to a screeching halt right behind me. Gerard stuck his head out the driver window. "Dude, you so don't want to go back there... she's home."

I groaned. Of course by 'she', they meant Anna's mom. The weekend was officially over and the drama was about to ruin the week.

In the next two minutes it took to walk to Sienna's house, I saw Bob drive by, Ray drive by (but not without a wave), Heather silently walked past me and I even found Matt stumbling down the road, kicking small pebbles with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

When I stepped up their front porch, I reached out for the door handle, but quickly flinched back after hearing a couple crashes and loud yelling from inside. I took a deep breath; I knew the drill. First, I had to silently but quickly fling open the door when I was sure there was no one on the other side of it. I had to sprint through the kitchen and up the stairs before anyone managed to enter the room and see me. I had to fling open Anna's bedroom door and slide across the floor until I landed safely on the target in her closet and securely slid shut the door. I counted down the seconds until I decided it was time and I ran through the house until I fell in the clump of clothing on Anna's closet floor.

Then, two voices came up the stairs. At first, I heard Anna, "Be quiet, I don't need your fricking guidance, I took it for the first fourteen years of my life and look how I turned out!"

I pressed my face in closer to the door, where I could slightly see through the shutter style of it.

"How dare you; I raised you fine! You didn't turn out this way until you were a teenager and started hanging out with those friends of yours and started rebelling. You obviously need guidance, look what you do when you don't have it! Is there anything else I don't know about? Anymore unknown piercings? Tattoos? Some creep of a boyfriend- or are you going out with that Iero boy? I told you not to talk to him, he's a bad influence! He's dirty and loud, and messy... boys like that don't want anything good from girls like you!"

I clenched my teeth... geeze, why does her mom hate me so much? I am not like that! Am I?

"Shut up, Frankie is not a bad influence, you are!"

"I'm starting to think you're a failure. You know... when I was your age, I was never like this, neither was your father."

I sunk. Why would any parent call their child a failure?

"Right, I forgot, you didn't have I life back then, you were a snot-nosed nerd!"

Her mothers arms flung out and slapped the side of Anna's face, I partially stood up, getting ready to spring from my position of I needed to. A hanger fell of the rod on the wall and fell to the ground, unheard.

It was quiet for a while before her mother stated cruelly, "I knew it was a mistake to have kept you."

Wow... that... is the lowest thing I have ever heard. You don't tell your kid that! My fingers pressed against the door.

"I hate you!" Sienna slammed the door violently and the echo made the room rumble.

She locked it quickly and sunk to the floor, where she wrapped her arms around her knees and put down her head. Her body was trembling in small, silent sobs. But still, her mother kicked and screamed on the other end of the door. The last thing I heard her yell was, "If you don't like the way I raised you, then leave," then she stormed down the stairs. You could tell because her cheap business high-heels were clicking the whole time she walked down them.

I slid open the door and sat there, sympathetically looking at her. She looked up and said, "I thought you were gone."

I shrugged, "I was, but I had to come back to get my stuff for school."

She looked the other way, trying to hide the fact that she was blinking away tears one at a time.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm fine," she insured.

I crawled across the floor on all fours and sat beside her. She rejectingly stood up and walked over to her dresser, but away from her mirror.

"You don't look okay," I stated.

"I can deal with this. I've dealt with this crap before," she said bravely.

"Doesn't the fact of what your mother just said bother you?"

"What are you talking about?" she snapped, moodily.

"Um... about keeping you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Frank, she was only our age when she had me, she should have had an abortion."

I swallowed this uncomforting air in my mouth. "Don't say that," I started, walking behind her and putting my hands on her shoulders. "It's a good thing she kept you, abortions are unjust."

"Yea, so are a million other things in the world."