My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 36

Frankie's POV

I sat there, and the cop put the clip board in my lap and put the pen in my fingers. I watched as it shook intensely in my nervous fingers and a sick feeling shot up my throat as I tried my best to keep it down. The pen touched the paper and I closed my eyes as I painfully wrote the lines I knew as my signature.


I threw it at the cop and looked away, towards the floor.

"Okay miss, your turn." The cop handed Sienna the clip board, who just sat there holding it for a few minutes.

She took a glance at her mother and turned to the cop, "Do we really have to do this? I mean... we didn't do anything wrong. Don't you file restraining orders when people don't get along or something?"

The cop hesitated for a moment (probably choosing his words carefully) and he kneeled down, so he was at her height. "I only file them miss." He probably only said that because he was getting paid to do this.

"But... please," Anna begged as her eyes got glossy.

I knew she was desperately trying to think of a plan. I don’t even think she even knew what she was begging for.

"Hurry up," her mother barked.

"Shut up! She can take as long as she wants, okay," I yelled back and stood up for a second. Everyone turned stared at me for a second before they all turned back to Anna and the suspense built up again.

"I can't," Anna said, staring down at the paper.

"Sienna, god dammit- sign it or you will never spend another living moment under my roof again," her mother yelled anxiously.

That's when the light bulb appeared over my head and a slight smile creaked at the side of my mouth and watched as Anna did the same. She'd pick friends over family... I knew it. That was the sentence that set the plan into action.

Right when Sienna picked up the papers, and went to rip them, the cop raised his hands and said, "Stop... I don't think a restraining order is what you need. I think that everyone here needs to calm down and everyone just needs to take their kids home and talk this out. I think everyone needs to understand the entire story... the true story," and he lifted the paper from Anna's hands and raised his eyebrows at the both of us.

Still half bewildered at what the cop said, I nodded, and stood up and started walking out, then paused and turned around to ask, "Oh yea, we can go back to class now, right? We have exams to study for...thanks for wasting out time."

The principal waved us away, eyeing us down devilishly and we went back to class, silently. And the rest of the day was pretty silent too. It wasn't until after school that we spoke.


"I guess I'll talk to you later," I said as we got to the park, where we usually both split off and went our separate ways.


"Okay," I waved and spun around, heading off in the direction. I hope things at her house didn't get too messy...