My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 43

Luckily, there weren't many cops as I sped down the main streets to the airport and skidded to a halt in the parking lot, leaving the keys in the ignition and running through the door.
I'd spend twenty minutes looking through the crowd for the greasy haired boy I haven’t seen since Christmas. Turned out- I was looking for the wrong description. When I finally found Gee, he was huddled on a bench near the luggage belt, both suitcases beside him. His hair had been previously cut and he was clean shaven, but his hair was still in his face.

"Hi," I greeted and tried to put on one of my better smiles.

"I thought Mikey was picking my up."

"There was a slight change of plans, sorry if I disappoint you Gee, Heather and Mikey had to go somewhere- it must have been important because they just called a couple hours ago. It was kind of sudden," I explained, picking up his bags and waving my head in the direction of the car.

"Oh... okay. No problem," he said with a slight (but weak) smile, following behind me like a lost child.

After that we didn't talk until we were at least halfway home (driving the speed limit). The irregular silence between us made me nervous- thinking maybe there was something wrong. I tried to start a friendly conversation, "I'm sorry for making you wait, Gee. I've been trying to study for exams, but it hasn't really been working."

"Got something else on your mind?"

I knew what that question was leading to. "No."

He nodded and it was quiet for a few more minutes.

"So... how's Mikey been?"

"Good. Great actually," I sighed. "Him and Heather have getting along better than ever. Actually, everyone's been great. Bob said he's done real well in school this year. Ray's in another band. Pencey Prep's got a record deal..."

From the corner of my eye I noticed his eyes were fixed on me. "How 'bout you? You don't seem very happy."

"I'm okay. I mean- I'm getting around. There are some things... things I wish people would drop- but, whatever."

"You know... sometimes it's better to find a trustful person to talk to about those things."

I huffed, "Yea... like who?"

He shrugged, "You can always talk to me. I won't tell anyone- I'm not around enough to tell anyone. And when I am- I don't get out very often."

It did sound like a good offer. But while I was pondering, he asked, "Are they Frank related things?"

I simply shrugged, "I don’t know."

“You know- I'm surprised you guys haven’t killed each other yet. You know the last time I saw you happy was last summer? You guys were never meant to be friends; it just makes things awkward- for more people than just you two."

"Yea, but-"

"Tell me something Anna. What's the last thing you think about at night?"

"How crappy my day was," I replied quickly. Gerard cocked an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. He seemed almost like a human lie detector. "... and Frank," I sighed.

“Thank you, that's all I had to hear. Now what are going to do about that?" He smirked, like he had some kind of devious plan in his mind.

"I don't know. I don't really plan on dealing with it."

It was surprising how Gee knew everything- even though he hadn't been here. Was I that predictable?

By now, I wanted to subject changed- and badly. But being 'Gerard the mind reader', he already knew that, so he asked, "So... who are you going to the prom with?"

"No one," I snapped. "I don't want to go to prom."

He smirked devilishly, "Not even if Frank asked you?" I thought about it.

"Maybe... I mean, no. I wouldn't even go if Frank asked me."


"No- I'm serious," I lied. Frank was the only reason I told other guys I wasn't going to prom- or at least that was what I thought until I got home and the phone rang.