My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 44


"Oh, hi Sienna. I just called to tell you some great news. I was on the phone with Mrs. Morgan, and she just happened to mention that poor Danny didn't have a date for the prom, so I told her that you would be glad to be escorted by Danny for the prom and now you don't have to stay home while every one else is having fun. Isn't that great news?"

I slouched in a chair. I knew it. She just had to crush all my hopes. "Yea... yea mom, that's great news," I sighed and looked up at Gerard, who saw the look on my face a frowned.

"Oh Sienna, you're going to have so much fun. Make sure you find a dress. I'll see you next week; bye,” and she hung up.

I groaned.

"What's the matter?" Gerard asked.

"She's out to ruin my life!"


"My mother! She arranged for me to go to prom with Danny Morgan!"

He scowled and a sour look came across his face. "The same nerd you had to go out with last year because that was your payment for him doing your homework?"

I crossed my arms and started to pout. "Yes," I hissed.

Just then, a hint of lightning filled the sky and the door burst open. The rain poured down in buckets and the figure standing in the doorway, taking a rather long time to get in.

"It's raining out... again," Frank announced, stepping in and slamming the door and pulling off his sweater as if we didn’t notice the weather.

He picked up one of the five coffee's he had just put on the counter and handed one to me and one to Gerard.

"Who's the other coffee's for?"

Frank shrugged. "I thought Mikey and Heather would be here by now. This doctor's appointment sure is taking a long time."

Me and Gerard looked at each other, then at Frank. "What doctor's appointment?"

Frank looked up from what he was doing with a shocked look on his face. "Shit... I wasn't supposed to tell you about that yet. Just pretend I didn't mention a doctor's appointment and everything will be good."

Even though we were both curious, Gerard and I dropped the subject. What would the both of then need to go the doctor's for... together?

Gerard changed the subject. "So, are you guys coming tomorrow?"

Frank and I both shrugged, "Guess so."

Gee grinned, "Awesome."