My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 48

Heather's POV

I sat next to Bob and ordered an apple martini. "Should you be drinking?"

Bob asked, sipping on his Coke. "It's only one, I'll have pop after this."

He took another sip out of his pop and remarked, "I'm not talking about driving."

"Ah, shut up."

He only smirked and threw his arm over my shoulder, "You be careful, you. We don't need anything happening to you so Mikey gets all upset. You know how much he cares about you."

Speak of the devil.

"Has anyone here seen Gerard?" Mikey asked, looking around.

Bob and I both shook our heads. "No,” I replied, "But you should check in the bathroom, he's been drinking all night."

He nodded and headed off. Damn- he looked good tonight.

"Hey guys," Ray said and sat beside me.

"Hey Ray, what's up?"

"Well," he started. "See that girl over there?" He pointed to a cute little blonde sitting in a booth with her friends.

"Yea," I nodded.

"Do you think I should go and talk to her?"

I smiled, "Yea Ray, go ahead."

He nodded, "Thanks," and got up and left.

I watched as he walked up to her and started talking for a few minutes, and then I watched as she scooted over, making room for Ray to fit in beside her. He looked over and gave thumbs up, that I returned and turned back to Bob.

Everything was quiet and dandy for the next five minutes until Bob curiously asked, "Hey, where'd Sienna and Frank get to?"

"They're dancing," I replied, skimming the crowd.

"Not anymore," Bob said, pointing to a corner.

I couldn't see what he was pointing at, so I turned to him and asked, "Why?"

His eyes didn't move from that spot, but they grew bigger as he shot up, spilling his coke all over the counter- then ignoring he had done it.

He replied to my question, "Because we have a serious problem! And he took off in the direction of that corner before I could even ask 'why'?

"Ray," I interrupted as his friend handed him a piece of paper with her phone number. "Can you go to the bathroom and get Gee and Mikey, Bob says we have to leave."

Ray nodded, said, 'I'll call you', to his friend and walked off to the bathroom.

I ran off in the same direction Bob went and realized then, why we had to leave.

As you all have imaginations, you can all just imagine this- Frank and Anna; together. It's true- their tongues were halfway down each other’s throats and they were practically feeling each other up- I swear it!

Half of me felt like throwing up- while the other half felt like laughing as Bob tried pulling them apart. This was some hardcore shit! I walked up and tugged on Sienna's sleeve. "Anna, we got to go," I said, pulling her through the crowd while Bob started lecturing Frank on something.

"Are you okay?" I asked, but she only replied by singing the 'tiny bubbles' song, which made me come to the conclusion that yes- she was very drunk.

I took Mikey, Ray and Anna back to her house, while Bob Gerard and Frank followed close behind us as we were all supposed to stay the night (just like the good old days).