My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 49

I kept thinking we probably weren't going to sleep tonight, between all the trips to the bathroom and trying to keep Frank and Anna apart- at least until they were sober again.

"Exactly how much did you have to drink, Anna?" I asked, tugging her up the steps to her room.

"Well, I think it was three," she held up five fingers, "or maybe it was four," she held up two fingers, "or maybe it was five," she held up one single finger. "Ah hell," she blurted, "maybe it was the whole bottle!" She broke out in loud giggles as I sat her down in her bed.

"Now Anna, you need to go to sleep," I ordered.

"No," she slurred, throwing up her arms. "I need to see Frankie- I have something important to tell him."

"No; you can tell him tomorrow, now lay down," I ordered calmly.

"Ah shaddup- you sound like my mother. I'm big- I don't want to go to sleep, I want a party."

"Another time dear, you need to sleep."

It was at least twenty minutes before she finally passed out and I headed downstairs, where Gerard was sprawled out and snoring on one couch, while Mikey was patiently sitting on the other looking over at him. He yawned and I came and plopped down on his lap and threw my arm around his neck, kissing his cheek. "Did you have fun tonight," I asked him.

He nodded, "Yea, until everything went wrong. I think there's something up with Gee- I've heard from some people that Gerard's been drinking like this a lot. He even called me a couple times in the middle of the night, mumbling random thing to me."

I rested my head on his shoulder and started running my fingers through his hair. "Just try and forget about it for now..."