My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 62

Anna's POV

I woke up as the hot sun beat through the curtains, flashing tinted colors over the walls. There was an empty sound on my cell, the one that sounds when someone has hung up. I took it wasn't Frank, but a nurse or someone who had walked in the room to discover him sleeping with a phone. I thanked God for allowing me a few hours of dreamless sleep. I looked over at my clock that read 7:20 and got up in a rush moving quickly to the bathroom, where I took a quick shower and entered my room, throwing on a worn out Misfits shirt and a pair of black jeans; I'm not sure if they were mine... or Mikey's jeans. Then I threw on one of Frank's pullovers, grabbed my cell phone and started down the stairs, tripping as I tried to pull on my now worn out shoes.

"Sienna, what are you doing? Where's your uniform,” mom asked from the kitchen, sipping from her steaming cup of coffee.

"I'm not going to school. You already know that- so why bother asking?"

"Sienna, you can't afford to miss any more school!"

I whipped round to face her and slammed my hands on the counter, "There's something you need to understand- I love Frank Anthony Iero; whether you like it or not! Right now my best friend in the whole world is in the hospital, I could care less about school or your piss arguments- I'm going to see him, so get over it!"

"You think you can go whatever you want, whenever you want! Well guess what, you can't! You're seventeen, not twenty five. You live under my roof! You're going to school to get an education- no more of this skipping!"

"Don't talk to me! You don't even care! All you care about is your perfect house, and your perfect jobs and your perfect baby. Well guess what? Houses don't last forever, Jobs are only there for money- not to mention money isn't everything, and Emily is going to grow up one day and realize that you suck at parenting and you were never there- just like Matt and I did!"

She went to slap me but I grabbed her arm and threw her back. "Don't touch me!"

"How dare you insult me? You know what? Get out; I don't want to see you."

"Good," I screamed and grabbed my car keys off the counter.

"Get out!"

I slammed the door to the house, followed by the door of the car, then almost backed the car into a tree on the way out of the driveway.

I almost forgot to grab the coffee on the way to the hospital, but screeched into the drive through at an almost illegal speed and ordered the 2 extra large coffee’s thinking I would probably need an extra boost of caffeine today…