My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 81

We'd been driving for almost five minutes- truth was, neither of us really knew where May street was.

"Mikey- what do you mean by 'it's becoming continual'," I asked, looking at him wiht pleading eyes.

"Havn't you noticed? You and Gerard are pretty close..."

"What? The fact that he's been partying a little more than usual?"

"Yea... I guess so," he said in an uncomfortable tone.

"But... he just got out of college- he just started his first job; he's young. Isn't that kind of normal?"

"I don't know... I'm just worried is all," he remarked.

"Well- that's good. I guess we'll find out, right? He's gotta tell us if there's something wrong, doesn't he?"

"Yea... but I have a funny feeling he won't."

"Well... he's a smart guy. He'll know if he needs help." I could only hope. But I'm having close to the same doubts as Mikey.

"Is this it," Mikey asked, turning down a street a moment almost too late.

"Yea. I think it's that white house right there," I said, pointing to a large house, toilet papered and messy in the front yard. There were cars parked down the driveway.