My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 82

I knocked on the front door and an older boy, who looked around Gerard's age, with a five o'clock shadow leaned in the doorway. "May I help you?"

"Yea... I'm looking for Gerard. Someone sent me to pick him up."

"Oh- yea. Alright- he's down here, common in," they guy greeted Mikey and I and led us down the hall to the livingroom, where, face down on the floor, a close friend lay.

"God damn, Gerard," Mikey cursed, dropping next to Gerard's limp body, grabing one of his arms as I grabbed the other.

"Gerard," I called, shaking him. "Hey- wake up. We've got to go."

I heard a snort and a heavy exhale. "Hey guys," I heard Gee stutter in a high pitched voice.

"God, you stink," I remarked, lifting him up at the same time as Mikey as we stumbled thruogh the house and out the front door with a wave.

"Lemme drive," Gerard muttered.

"No," Mikey said harshly. "You're drunk. God- what's wrong with you?"

"I was just having fun."

"That's all you ever do," he yelled, letting go of Gerard as he opened the back door to his car, letting him collapse to the seat.

"Sheesh, sorry," he said sacrastically, as Mikey and I plopped in the front. "Anna's on my side, aren't you? You believe me. You've always been the nice one."

"No- Gerard. You need to slow down," I orderred quietly, trying not to get too involved.

"I'm trying to be the nice one, Gee- you're just making it too damn hard," Mikey said as he stuck the key in the ignition before heading back to Heather's house. The rest of the car ride was quiet with discomfort, except for small mutters from Gerard that we had chose not to listen to.