My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 92

I wondered if leaving Heather was the smart thing to do- she seemed distraught. I had left a note on her counter to explain where I had went and instructions for her to call if she needed anything or if she wanted me there- I'd be back there in a second.

As I drove down the empty streets, I noticed the pattern of rain that began to fall on the windshield and the lighting that began to fill up the puffy clouds covering the stars. I pulled in Frank's driveway quietly and snuck around the side of the house, sliding open his window and pulling myself inside.

"Frank," I called to the darkness. "Where are you?"

"Over here," he said tiredly as I stepped over to the bed and tripped over his music stand, sending myself flying forward ontop of him.

He hushed me as I giggled and mummbled, "Sorry."

I crawled in beside him and breathed in the scent of heavy cologne. A scent I had become accustomed to; something soothing. "You alright," He asked quietly pulling me closer to him.

"Yea. I'm fine."

"That's good," he stated, running his fingers through my tangled hair as a flash of lighting filled the room.

"Yes. Yes it is," I mumbled tiredly, on the brink of falling asleep after feeling comfortable for the first time in a while. Like nothing could hurt me. Like I was safe. Almost as if I were high...