My Life As Sienna Brown

Part 93

A boom of thunder rumbled the house loudly, sending vibrations through the walls. I seemed to forget it was there. My brain was somewhere else. On a journey. Heading towards a land of sleep as my eyelids gained more weight with every blink...

A scream filled the room as I looked down at my blood hands, heald tightly around a neck. Not just any neck- Frank's. It grasped tightly and ignored the worried look on his face and the pleading as I plunged him deep into the water-filled bathtub, watching the colour strain from his eyes as the water splashed about. Until he began to stop struggling and I let go to look down at the lifely body floating in the water.

Why had I done it? I turned back for the door, but it was locked. I returned to my place near the tub before his eyes opened underwater, sending shivers up my spine as I pushed him down again, squeezing tighter, holding down longer. Longer. Longer.

As I waiting to feel the rhythm of the blood in his veins slow down, I screamed to myself, "Stop -you're killing him! Stop! STOP! PLEASE- STOP!"

And then my name was called...'

"Anna! Anna, wake up," I heard Frank call over my own voice as I sat up in dispair, looking apon his angelic face before laying myself down to the pillow. "It was just a dream," he assured me. "You're alright. It was just a dream..." And I felt his hand against my own as his tired voice drifted off as my lullaby. Alullaby of words.

I laid silently in the dark now, aware that I would not sleep tonight. I wouldn't dare close my eyes: I was too afraid of seeing it. The horrible image. I wasn't even sleeping and it was playing in my head... over and over.