‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 14

Chapter 14


I clicked another button on my computer and sniffled again. I had yet again hit a wall in the hacking process. I had made some progress earlier today, but now I was stuck. It was 11:30 PM, but I couldn’t stop.

“Ugh!” I exclaimed, slamming my fist on the desk out of pure frustration.

“What did that desk do to you?”

I turned around and saw Nick standing in my door.

“Nick,” I said, surprised, “Come in.”

“Hey,” he said getting closer to me, “Are you crying?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, knowing my eyes were so puffy I couldn’t hide it, “It was a rough day for all of us.”

”Oh, so you heard everything that happened?” Nick asked.

“That’s why I’m so upset,” I admitted, “I heard all the fighting, and it was awful. I mean, Kevin and Danielle! I understand why he did it, but it’s terrible. They love each other, but I’m learning that’s not always enough.”

“We’re all learning that,” Nick said.

I knew he was right. Joe and I loved each other and look at us. And even Nick, he loves Melissa and she’s two-timing him with the Messina's.

“I texted Danielle,” I told Nick, “I wanted her to know I was here if she needed a friend.”

“That’s good,” Nick said, “Did she answer?”

”She thanked me,” I explained, “But said she didn’t want me to get stuck between her and Kevin.”

”I hope she knows that Kevin is just as upset as she is,” Nick told me.

“I’m sure she’ll realize it,” I said thoughtfully, “As soon as she calms down.”

“So is that why you were crying?” Nick asked after a brief pause.

“Part of the reason,” I explained, “But I also heard Kevin and Joe’s fight.”

“Olivia,” Nick said started desperately trying to explain, “You have to know Kevin’s just in pain! He loves you. You're like a sister to us!”

”Nick,” I said calmly, “That’s not what upset me. I completely understand, and agree, with what Kevin said.”

“You agree?”

“But I saw Joe afterward,” I went on before Nick could question me, “He looked devastated.”

“He’s probably just shocked,” Nick told me, “We never fight and you heard Kevin, he was really angry.”

“I know,” I said, “But I saw Joe walk out of the room, and he wasn’t crying but he looked like he wanted too. But instead he ran his hands through his hair, slammed his fist on the wall, and slumped into his room.”

”What Kevin said was harsh,” Nick replied, “But once everyone calms down, Joe and Kevin are going to be fine.”

I knew what Nick said was true, but it didn’t make me feel any better. I had so much more I needed to say.

“Nick I – I feel bad dumping this all on you,” I started, “But I just need- ”

“Olivia,” Nick cut me off, “Just talk.”

“Ok,” I said taking a deep breath, “Well when I saw Joe, all I wanted to do was go to him. I wanted to comfort him and have him tell me how he was feeling. I had actually taken a few steps towards him before I realized I couldn’t do that right now. And that’s also when I realized how much I had to say. I miss going to Joe and telling him everything that’s on my mind. I miss us always being there for each other.”

It felt good to get all this stuff off my chest.

Nick was looking directly at me, listening to everything I said. And now that I had a listening ear, I couldn’t stop.

“And there’s so much fighting going on. You and Melissa, Kevin and Danielle, Melissa and I, Joe and Kevin, Joe and I! I hate it so much Nick!”

And before I knew it, tears were swelling in my eyes.

“You’re right,” Nick agreed, “Everything seemed to fall apart after you and Joe fought.”

“It did,” I nodded, “Which makes sense because not being with him feels so wrong. But why can’t I go to him Nick? We’re not in a huge fight. We’re just disagreeing, but we don’t hate each other. So what I don’t understand is why I can’t bring myself to go over to his room, right now, and have this talk with him!”

“I understand that,” Nick nodded, “But here’s the thing. You and Joe completely trusted each other. He trusted you when you said you didn’t shoot him and that is a huge thing. And since you guys were so strongly built around believing each other, it’s 10 times worse not that he doesn’t.”

I sat in silence soaking in what he said. Everything he said made perfect sense. I thought back to when Joe believed that I hated the mob. I remembered the day in the hotel room when I explained that meeting him was my mob mission. He hadn’t freaked out or even gotten mad. He totally believed me that I loved him and it wasn’t all a lie. So why in the world did he not believe me now!?

“You okay?” I heard Nick ask.

Apparently I had let my thoughts show through my facial expressions.

“Why doesn’t he believe me!?” I exclaimed, “It’s so frustrating!”

“He’s in denial,” Nick said simply, “He just keeps hoping it’s not true. He just wants everything to be perfect.”

I scoffed loudly.

“And he considers what’s going on now, perfect?”

“He’s just as confused and conflicted as the rest of us,” Nick replied, “And he misses you just as much as you miss him.”

I looked away from Nick and blinked back tears.

“I guess it all goes back to Melissa’s involvement in the mob,” I stated.

“You know, it’s weird,” Nick said, “Kevin blamed you and Joe for ruining his relationship, but it’s my fault. And you and Joe should blame me for your problems.”

“Nick no,” I said honestly, “I don’t blame you at all.”

”I know you don’t,” he responded, “But you should.”

”It’s only our fault,” I told him, “It’s my fault for being so stubborn and Joe’s fault for not believing me. To push that off on someone else would be stupid.”

“For what it’s worth,” Nick said thoughtfully, “I believe you. I believe everything you said about Melissa.”

I was completely shocked by Nick’s sudden confession. He was taking my word over his girlfriends.

“Nick, I don’t know what to say.”

I was shocked at how much Nick’s words meant to me.

“Olivia this is ruining your relationship,” Nick went on, “If it was a lie, you would have let it go by now.”

“Thanks you Nick,” I said quietly.

“But unfortunately,” Nick continued, “That’s not gonna be enough. We need proof. I need proof before I break up with Melissa. I need proof so I know I won't be ruining a good relationship for nothing. We need proof so you and Joe can fix things.”

“That’s what I’ve been working on!” I explained.

Excitement raced through me now that I had a partner to help me.

“Have you got anything so far?” Nick asked.

“No,” I told him, “But I’ve been using my hacking skills. I’m trying to get into the Messina ’s records.”

“Hhmm,” Nick said, “Impressive. What should I do?”

“Well you can target more directly at Melissa,” I suggested, “You can go for her phone and see if there’s any messages or try to catch her while on the phone.”

“I can do that,” Nick nodded, “I’m pretty sneaky.”

I started laughing and Nick grinned in return.

“What’s going on in here?”

I didn’t even have to turn to know that Joe had just entered my room.

But I did turn. And I realized five seconds later that it would have been better for me to have stayed facing my computer.

For when I did turn and my eyes met Joe, my breath caught in my throat.

Joe was standing in my doorway in flannel pants and a beater. It was clear that he had just gotten out of the shower because his hair was clearly wet and messed up perfectly.

If I hadn’t been sitting my knees surely would have given out.

It was amazing how after all this time, he still had this effect on me.

“We’re just talking,” Nick answered for me.

His voice brought me out of my trance and back to reality.


I stood just inside Olivia’s bedroom door, looking back and forth between Olivia and Nick.

“Just talking,” I repeated.

“Uh yeah,” Olivia agreed.

She said something else but I didn’t hear it.

For the first time since I had entered the room, my whole attention was focused on the beautiful girl in front of me. She looked adorable, curled up in sweats in her computer chair.

It was right then that I realized I didn’t like Olivia going to Nick for a heart to heart. That was my job.

“That’s nice,” I said, “But shouldn’t we all be going to bed? It’s late.”

“Joe there’s no reason to be jealous,” Nick said.

Stupid Nick. Why’d he have to know me so well!?

“I’m no jealous,” I lied, “I just think we should all go to bed. So come on Nick.”

“Joe,” Olivia said.

Stupid Olivia. Hearing her voice say my name shouldn’t give me butterflies!

”Don’t be made at Nick,” she went on, “I just needed someone to talk to, and Nick was available.”

A realization hit me. I was bringing this all on myself! I was pushing my girlfriend away by not believing her. And then it all seemed so stupid.

I had been in bad moods for days because I couldn’t hang out with Olivia. All I had to do to change that, was believe her.

“Olivia,” I started, “I’ve been stupid. So stupid! You’re my girlfriend and I should believe everything you say. I’ve just been in denial. But not anymore. Now I’m telling you, I believe you. I believe you that Melissa’s in the mob!”

Olivia smiled at me slightly, but shook her head.

“No you don’t Joe,” she countered, “You didn’t change your mind after all this time.”

“Olivia please,” I begged moving closer to her, “I just want everything to go back to normal. I’ll do whatever it takes, but I can’t live like this anymore.”

“Joe,” Olivia said quietly, “I appreciate it. I really do, but it’s not that easy. You can tell me you believe me all you want, but it doesn’t change anything.”

”I want to believe you so bad,” I admitted, kneeling down in front of her, ignoring Nick who watched from the bed..

“Joe,” she said again, “I want you to believe me too. I hate living so close to you and seeing you everyday, but not spending time with you. I want us to be normal again.”

“Then let’s be normal,” I suggested, “Let’s forget everything and move on.”

“It’s not that easy,” Olivia said.

But this time she said it quieter and she sounded less sure. One tear rolled slowly down Olivia’s face.

I reached up and gently wiped the tear away. Olivia’s eyes closed slowly as my hand made contact with her skin.

“I miss you,” I whispered honestly.

“Joe,” she started to whisper back.

“Joe!” Nick interrupted loudly, “That’s enough. Back off.”

And I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
He wants to believe her!! At least they are getting somewhere.
Nick believes her (sorta)!

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