‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


I was sitting nervously in front of a room of mobsters. Yeah, that’s right; it was me, a bunch of scary looking guys, and Melissa.

Melissa was staring sweetly at me and it made me sick to stomach.

Livio Messina was currently introducing me.

“And now,” he was saying, “You may ask Miss Olivia any questions you have on your mind.”

I looked over at him quickly. He couldn’t be serious! I had to answer questions in front of all these people!?!

People that could kill me if they didn’t like what I said!

My heart beat started picking up as I instantly became nervous

“How can we trust you with anything?” some guy with a stupid sounding voice asked, “Aren’t you just some lame pop stars girlfriend?”

I looked the guy over. Yeah, he was definitely a body guard who was paid to stand around and look scary. Meaning, he should do no talking or even thinking.

“I’ve only been a rock star’s girlfriend for a year,” I started, “Before that I lived in the mob for 19 years.”

”She’s a Dellacroce you idiot,” someone called out.

“Oh!” another large guy said, “Then how do we know she’s not loyal to her mom or even to this boyfriend?”

“Ex-boyfriend,” was all I said.

It took everything in me not to start crying right then.

“But more about the trust thing. How do we know you’re not scamming us?”

My blood boiled as I recognized Melissa’s voice.

“I would never be able to scam people I care about,” I answered staring right at her, “Which in this case is this Organization. See I have some what of a conscience. Not enough that I can’t do mob work, but enough of one that I couldn’t turn on those I’m working with.”

I continued to stare at Melissa the whole time I answered. I no longer felt nervous, just extremely pissed off.

“I like that,” Livio stated, “It shows you have loyalty.”

“But why would you decide to leave your boyfriend for us?” another guy asked.

“I was sick of living how I was living,” I started lying, “I couldn’t handle being the stay at home girlfriend. I realized being in the mob, I would have more of a purpose. The mob would let me do what I was born to do.”

“You’re a liar!” Melissa blurted loudly, “You loved being with that stupid family! You told me you would never come back to the mob!”

I made myself look innocent and remained calm.

“If I said that, why would I be here?” I replied sweetly.

“Shut up!” Melissa continued screaming, “Don’t you dare – “

“Melissa!” Livio cut her off, “That’s enough! It’s time for you to leave.”

“I am not leaving,” Melissa said obnoxiously.

“Dominic,” Livio said calmly before turning around and sitting at his desk.

The guy closest to Melissa grabbed her arm and led her out of the meeting.

It felt so good to beat Melissa! Good enough to make me smile.

After a few more questions, that I easily lied through, I was excused.

I walked quickly up to my new bedroom and locked the door.

I decided to stay in here for the rest of the day. It was better than venturing the halls and coming upon Melissa, or any other Messina who might want to talk to me.

I went over to the large bag I had packed and started digging though it to find sweatpants.

I was about to grab a pair when my hand made contact with something hard. My cell phone. I pulled it out and realized I hadn’t turned it on since I got here.

I was about to turn it on but then something stopped me.

My original hope had been that Joe hadn’t texted me. That would mean he listened to me and was making a clean break.

But I couldn’t help but think that I would feel disappointed if he hadn’t texted.

So I dropped down on my bed and propped myself on my elbows. I simply stared at my phone for 3 straight minutes.

Suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore and I turned it on. I then quickly closed my eyes and listened.

After 30 seconds of silence I started to feel disappointed. But as I was about to turn it off my phone started vibrating like crazy. I waited until my phone had brought in all the texts from the last day. When it was done my screen read 10 New Messages.

I scrolled through them quickly and saw they were all from Joe. I couldn’t resist, so I started reading.

1. You cannot do this! If you could see me now you’d understand! I need you to come back. You need you too! You belong with me, not in the mob! This is ridiculous.

2. Olivia, I am telling you this is not for my own good!

3. You’re killing me! You can’t say you love me, then leave!

4. What the hell were you thinking? How could you do this to me!?!

I could sense Joe’s anger growing with each text. I opened the next one and realized it was from and hour after the other 4.

5. I’m sorry Liv. I know you seriously left cause you thought it was better. I’m telling you it’s not.

6. It’s my fault baby. I did push you away. But I promise if you come back we can work this out.

7. I’m sorry for everything.

8. Olivia Dellacroce I demand that you come back. I’m a pathetic mess without you.

9. You leaving is not helping my family. No one blames you. No one! I promise.

10. I love you. That will never change.

By the time I finished reading his messages I was in tears. I wanted to reply and tell him I was coming back. The temptation was so strong that I had to turn my phone off and throw it back into my bag.

I forced myself to picture Joe being shot and crumpling to the stage.

That alone was enough to remind me why I couldn’t go back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


13 hours and 13 minutes. That’s how long it has been since I read the letter.

The letter that had been in my back pocket all day. I hated that letter, but for some reason I couldn’t throw it away.

Maybe because it was one of my only connections to Olivia that I had left.

She was gone and she had taken all her stuff with her.

I had done nothing all day. I had moved from couch to couch, always to whichever room was empty. My mom had brought me food, which I had forced myself to eat.

Other than that, I had been staring at my phone waiting for Olivia to answer one of my texts.

I had no desire to play with my brothers or work on a song with them. I hadn’t fixed my hair, or changed out of my pajamas.

Some people may have called me dramatic or said, “She’s not dead, pull yourself together.”

Those people didn’t understand. If she was in the mob, I would never be able to see her.

My family kind of understands the mob and that’s why they understand why I don’t currently care about anything that used to seem so important.


I moved my head slowly and saw Frankie entering the room.

“Hey Frank,” I said, with no emotion.

“Joe, could you play a game with me?”

“Not now Frankie,” I mumbled, rolling over on the couch, “Ask Kevin.”

“But Joe, we wanted you to play to,” Frankie explained.

“Sorry man,” I said, “Not now.”

“Even though we’re playing darts?”

As soon as my youngest brother said that I flashed back to the first day Olivia lived in our Texas home with us.

We were so happy and perfect. We had played darts and laughed all night.

That alone was enough to remind me why Olivia had to come back.
♠ ♠ ♠
My favorite part was the text messages....

Poor Joe...

Well, there you have it! Chapter 17!

Review/comment with your thoughts please!

Thanks! You guys are the best!

-Shelby and Rosie