‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


“And that’s a wrap!” I was exclaiming.

I had just walked off the tour bus for the last time. A few hours ago my brothers and I had finished the last performance of our world tour.

Within the hour I was walking into our huge house in LA, with my arm slung loosely around Olivia’s shoulders.

My parents were in front of me and my brothers were behind me. I was grinning happily as Olivia walked away towards her room and I went towards mine. We all changed into something comfortable and five minutes later we were all hanging out in one of our living rooms.

Mom, dad, and Frankie had all went to bed. It was late but my brothers, Olivia, and I were never tired after an awesome show.

It was as I dropped down on the couch next to Olivia that I noticed Nick’s girlfriend, Melissa sitting next to him on the couch.

“Hey Melissa,” I greeted, “When did you get here?”

”Just a few minutes ago,” she replied, “Nick’s taking me out all day tomorrow. We’re leaving early so we thought it’d be best if I just stayed here tonight.”

”Cool,” I nodded, “Are you really gonna be gone all day?”

“Well Joe,” Nick joked, “Unlike you, I didn’t get to see my girlfriend the whole time we were on tour.”

“Oooh, I sense some jealousy!” I grinned.

Nick rolled his eyes and looked down at Melissa, who was resting on his shoulder.

“Well I didn’t get to see my girlfriend that much either,” Kevin said standing up and putting his phone back in his pocket, “So I’m heading over to Danielle’s.”

”Dude, it’s late,” Nick said.

“Dude, her apartment is like a street away,” Kevin replied, “See you guys later.”

We all said goodbye to Kevin and he walked out.

“So we’re staying here a bit right?” Olivia questioned looking up at me.

“Yep,” I answered her lightly pushing hair off her face, “We’ll still be working but we have no travels planned.”

“Good,” Melissa spoke up, “I love when you guys stay in LA, because when you do we’re pretty much neighbors!”

“I love Texas ,” Nick chimed in, “But it is more convenient being here.”

“Exactly,” Melissa agreed before adding a huge yawn at the end.

“Ok,” Nick exclaimed smiling, “It’s someone’s bed time!”

“I’m not tired Nick,” Melissa lied, yawning again.

“Well if you’re not gonna go easily,” Nick shrugged, “I’ll have to take you by force!”

Melissa started laughing as Nick scooped her into his arms and started walking out of the room.

“Aw!” I called obnoxiously, “You guys are too cute!”

Nick ignored me, and Olivia elbowed me in the chest.

“Ow,” I joked grabbing my chest, “What was that for?”

“Leave them alone,” she grinned, “They are cute.”

”Ok fine,” I said, “I’ll stop making fun of Nick.”

Olivia looked at me disbelievingly.

“What?” I asked mock-defensively.

“You’re not gonna stop making fun of him are you?”


Olivia laughed and randomly leaned up to kiss my cheek.

“What was that for?” I mumbled grinning.

“I love you,” she replied lightly.

I wrapped my arms around my girlfriend and pulled her on top of me.

I surprised her with a kiss, but she didn’t object. We continued to kiss until I pulled away.

“Ooh!” I said, “You up for another Fresh Prince marathon?”

“You get the DVD’s, I’ll get the blankets,” she replied smiling.

Three minutes later I was hitting play on the remote and Olivia was settling down with her back against my chest. I draped an arm over her as the theme music began.

It was good to be home.


I finished pulling a blanket over Melissa then sat down on the edge of the spare bed she was sleeping in.

“It’s really great that your parents are letting me stay here,” Melissa said, “And Olivia pretty much lives here, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah,” I answered smiling down at her, “I guess we’ve really earned our parents trust.”

“Trust is so important,” Melissa mused, taking my hand in hers.

“Yes it is,” I agreed, “I think that’s why our relationship works so well.”

Melissa pulled me down gently so my lips could connect with hers. Our make out session ended when Melissa’s cell phone started vibrating. She took a look at the screen and threw the phone down on her bed, away from her.

“You can go ahead and answer it,” I told her, “Just make it quick.”

“No, no,” she said quickly, “I’m sure it’s not important.”

“Alright,” I said giving her one last quick kiss, “But I should let you go to bed anyway.”

“Ok,” she agreed, “Goodnight Nick.”

And for the first time, I felt weird for a second as an urge washed over me to say those three words.

“I - ” started, but cut myself off, “I’ll see you in the morning. Night Mel.”

And with that, I walked out of the room, down the hall, and into my own room.



I quickly jogged up the few steps that led to Danielle’s apartment door. I knocked twice and the door flew open.

“Kevin!” Danielle squealed throwing her arms around me.

“Oh my gosh. I’ve missed you so much,” I mumbled into her neck.

“I’ve missed you more,” she countered while grabbing my hand and pulling me into her apartment.

“I got you something,” I told her before she sat down.

“Oh Kev!” she complained, “How many times do I have to tell you, you don’t need to buy me something every time you miss me!”

“Oh come on,” I replied, “It’s nothing big or special.”

I reached into my pocket, pulled out a box, and promptly snapped it open.

Danielle gasped at the sight of two simple diamond earrings.

“When I’m on stage all the beautiful shining lights always remind me of you,” I explained, “And since I couldn’t bring you home any stage lights, I figured beautiful shining earrings would have to do.”

“Kevin,” Danielle responded quietly, “You are so romantic! I love you!”

I pulled Danielle into the tightest hug I could and she buried her head into my chest.

“I love you too,” I told her.

“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that,” Danielle told me.

And I knew at that moment, I’d never get tired of telling her that.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the mania begins.

The first chapter was a little short, but we wanted to show you all three of the boy's relationships. Joe will not be the main focus of the whole story like Careful Confessions was. Of course, we love him and him and Olivia will probably be the source of the plot but we will be focused on Kevin and Nick too. We can't forget about them!

So please review with thoughts and opinions.

Also for whoever is reading my other story A Walk In The Sun, that story was also updated. Just and fyi.

Also, reviews equal faster updates. The second chapter is already finished, the only way it will get posted though is if reviews are sent.

Thank you for reading!
You guys are awesome!