‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 21

Chapter 21


As soon as the doctor left I got excited, hoping Joe would come back in now. I couldn’t believe how amazing it was to be in Joe’s presence.

I still thought it would be better for me to avoid the Jonas’, to leave them forever and take the mob with me. But tonight’s events made me realize that was impossible.

I needed the Jonas’ and apparently they needed me. I felt a slight sinking in my stomach as I thought about what would happen now with the mob.

But before I could think on that too much, my door opened again.

In came Nick and Kevin.

“Nick!” I exclaimed, “Kevin! I missed you guys so much!”

Nick walked immediately over to my bed and leaned down to give me a hug.

“I missed you too Olivia,” he said, “The house is seriously so weird without you.”

I smiled hugely as Nick sat down next to my bed. I then looked up at Kevin who was still standing by the door.

I could see the bags under Kevin’s eyes even from feet away. No matter what he said, I could tell he was losing asleep over his break up.

“Kevin,” I said, “Come give me a hug. I’m not contagious.”

He smiled, but I could tell it was forced. However, he did come over and hug me briefly. He then straightened up and continued standing.

Why was he acting so weird? The mob didn’t contaminate me! Did he hate me for leaving? Leaving. I left. I left after I heard Kevin blame me.

“Kevin,” I said reaching out and grabbing his hand in mine, “You’re either blaming yourself or you hate me. I pray to God it’s neither. Because first of all there is no way this is your fault. Second of all, you’re like my big brother. I couldn’t handle it if you hated me.”

“Olivia,” Kevin stopped me, “I don’t hate you.”

“So you blame yourself?”

“Well I was screaming that you ruined my life,” Kevin stated, “That’s enough to make anyone run.”

“Leaving was my decision,” I told him honestly, “Everyone was fighting and I hated it. I thought leaving would help and save you guys. All I really want is for you three brothers to be happy.”

“Well if it helps,” Nick chimed in, “The three of us aren’t fighting at all anymore.”

“We knew it was stupid,” Kevin explained, “We love each other and we can forgive each other.”

“And that’s why everything will be fine between you and Joe,” Nick finished.

“Believe me,” I said, “I couldn’t stay mad at Joe if I wanted to. He burst into a mob warehouse, without back-up, for me!”

“But that could also just be because he’s stupid,” Nick commented.

We all laughed at the possibility.

“But I understand it was you two who called the ambulance,” I said, “Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary,” Kevin assured me.

“Yeah can you believe Joe thought we’d let him go alone?” Nick asked.

“Actually I can believe it,” I admitted, “Where is that boy anyway.”

“What, two Jonas’ isn’t enough for you?” Kevin joked.

“Eh,” I said pretending to think, “Not when you’re one of them.”

Kevin pretended to be hurt as I laughed. Wow, I missed these boys.

“But seriously,” Nick said, “He went running home. Apparently he needed an emergency shower.”

I smiled to myself at Nick’s answer. Joe must really want to please me if he already went to shower. That or he wanted his hair to look good.

“Well there was someone else out there who wanted to see you,” Kevin said, “We better let them in.”

“Ok,” I said sadly, not wanting them to leave.

“You come home tomorrow right?” Nick asked as he hugged me again.

“Yep,” I replied, “I can’t wait.”

After I hugged Kevin and we all said goodbye they started to leave. As they opened the door another thought occurred to me.

“Guys,” I said, “It’s late. Tell Joe there’s no need for him to rush back out. He needs to rest too.”

“We’ll tell him,” Nick said, “But we can’t promise he’ll listen.”

“Ok,” I smiled, “Thanks.”

“Bye Olivia.”


As the boys left I started thinking about why….oh yeah, I had another visitor.

But who could it possibly be? If it was another Jonas they would have come in with Kevin and Nick.

My heart suddenly started beating as another memory came to mind.

I had been lying on the cold floor of the warehouse when I heard the creak of a door. I looked up and let out a gasp. I hadn’t seen her face in over a year, and never had that face smiled at me like it was now. Never had my mom looked happy to see me.

Could she possible have come here to the hospital? Did she really come to visit me?

My hospital door slowly creaked open and there she stood. My mom.

“Hi Olivia,”

A million emotions ran through me as my mom said my name and closed the door behind her.

The emotion that was most powerful was confusion.

Why was she here? What did she want? Why’d she come now after a full year?

And most of all where did we stand? Did she love me? Did I lover her? I mean she’s my mother, I have to love her. But then why wasn’t I excited to see her? Ok, I had to stop asking myself questions and start asking her.


“I know you’re confused,” my mom started, “And you probably don’t even want to see me, but no matter what you’re my daughter and I’ve missed you.”

“Mom I don’t’ know what to say,” I said quietly, “Am I supposed to have a tearful reunion with you so we can make up and be happy together?”

”No honey,” mom answered, sitting down, “Because of my mistakes that can’t happen. Because of my decisions and the life I brought you into, we can’t have a happy ending. But you can Olivia. Without me, you can have your happy ending.”

This only puzzled me further. I furrowed my brow and stared blankly at my mom.

“Wh-what?” I started, trying to gather a thought, “You don’t want me to join you and help you rebuild the organization?”

“Is that why you think I’m here?” she asked, “To force you back into the mob?”

“Well,” I said, “That’s all we ever talked about mom. My whole life it was about the mob, so I didn’t really expect that to change now.”

“Oh Olivia,” my mom said, “I’m so sorry. I know nothing can make up for the childhood we gave you. I know you should never forgive me for making you live like that. But all I can do now is say sorry and pray that you believe me.”

“I do mom,” I said quietly, “And I do forgive you. There is no point in holding a grudge. And besides, if you hadn’t made me do that, I never would have met Joe.”

I felt my lips involuntarily curve upward as I thought about him.

“I’m so glad your so happy,” my mom told me honestly, “And that brings us back to why I’m here. It’s too late for me to break from the mob. That’s my life and I don’t have the strength to change it. But you still do. You can still break free. So I’m here to beg you to stay with Joe Jonas. Take that life and run with it, and never look back.”

I felt a rush of gratitude towards my mom as she spoke. She really wanted what was best for me, and for the first time I was sure my mom really cared for me. I couldn’t believe how good it felt just to know that my mom didn’t hate me.

“But mom,” I said noticing a flaw, “What about the Messina ’s? There not just going to give up. You know they’ll still try to get me. They don’t want me to help you.”

“Well honey,” my mom said, “How about you just don’t worry about that.”

“Mom,” I said, “What are you going to do?”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


“Just let me buckle you,” I was laughing.

“Joe, I’m not handicapped,” Olivia laughed with me, “You already carried me out of the hospital, you don’t need to buckle me too.”

I looked at Olivia as I was leaning over her.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love when I take care of you.”

With that, I smirked and walked around to the drivers seat.

“So Joe,” Olivia said as I started the car, “Fill me in some. What’s going on with Kevin and Nick and their girls?”

“Some bad stuff,” I answered honestly, “Kevin and Danielle haven’t talked since the fight. Kevin went to her house to explain but she ignored him.”

“Oh God,” Olivia said sadly, “He has to be heartbroken.”

“He is,” I admitted, “He’s really amazing at hiding it though. So is Nick, actually. He of course broke up with Melissa, but I haven’t seen him break down yet. Apparently I’m the only one that can’t hide it when I’m heartbroken.”

“I’m so sorry Joe,” Olivia said looking at me while I drove, “I feel terrible for making you go through that pain. You really should be mad at me.”

”Why would I be mad at you?” I asked with a chuckle, “You were trying to save my life. That’s hot.”

Olivia chuckled and looked away. I could see her blush out of the corner of my eye.

“I talked to your brothers last night,” she changed the subject, “That’s why I asked. Both of them seemed fine.”

“I think Nick’s more mad at himself then he’s in pain,” I explained, “He doesn’t understand how he fell for a bitch like Melissa.”

“Well he shouldn’t,” Olivia said, “He should not be in pain or worry about what happened with her for a second. She’s not worth it.”

I could tell how much Olivia hated Melissa.

“You should tell Nick that,” I said thoughtfully, “I think it’d help him.”

“Then I will!” Olivia said fiercely.

I smiled and stole a glance at my girlfriend. I knew I’d never let her get away from me again.

“So did you have any other visitors last night?” I asked, expecting a no.

“Yes actually,” Olivia surprised me, “My mom.”

“Oh my gosh,” I muttered, “What happened? Did she try to recruit you? Cause I swear to God I’ll – ”

“Calm down Joe,” Olivia cut me off, “She actually really surprised me. She wants me to stay with you.”

I was taken aback, but pleased.

“Well that makes two of us,” I mumbled making Olivia laugh.

“You know Joe,” Olivia said, “I don’t know when I’ll see my mom next but I’m ok. Because our relationship is currently the best it’s ever been.”

”That’s great,” I said honestly, “What’d you talk about?”

And that’s when Olivia explained all about her mom wanting her to be free. She told me that her mom apologized and hoped for Olivia to have a better life.

“And I realized something last night,” Olivia went on, “I realized that all my life I wanted my mom to love me. It was subconscious but some part of me always yearned for my mom’s love. And when I realized that my mom cared for me, something clicked. Suddenly going to the mob for any reason seemed stupid and senseless. I realized that I’ve always had a grudge against the mob, but I also couldn’t stop thinking about it. Deep down that was because of my childhood. Something had been missing and revisiting the mob always gave me a chance to find what I was looking for. I found it. I found love from my mom and now I’m totally done. I’ll never have to think about the mob again.”

I listening intently as Olivia spilled her heart to me. I took one hand off the steering wheel so I can grab her hand in mine.

“I’m so happy,” I admitted honestly, “Seriously Olivia, I feel free because you feel free.”

“I am free, “ Olivia smiled, agreeing with me.

“You’re free,” I chuckled.

“I’m free!” Olivia exclaimed.

I smiled over at her and she started cracking up. Seeing her laugh made me laugh too.

“It feels so good,” Olivia gushed through her laughter.

“You’re crazy,” I smiled.

“Yep,” she answered, “And free.”

“Yep,” I agreed, “And all the mob stuff is done.”

“Actually, Joe,” Olivia said seriously, “There is one more thing I need to tell you.”

“Ok,” I said getting nervous, “What’s up?”

“When I was talking to my mom I thought of the Messina ’s,” Olivia explained, “I knew they wouldn’t just let me go now.”

“Right, “ I said as I comprehended what she was saying, “Because they want you on their side not on the Dellacroce side.”

”Exactly,” Olivia went on, “So I told my mom and she told me not to worry about it. And I could just tell she didn’t want to tell me what her plans are.”

“But you used you’re amazing persuasion skills and got it out of her?” I suggested.

“Of course!” Olivia replied, “And she’s making a sacrifice. You see, the only reason the Messina ’s give a crap about me is because I could help their competition. But if they don’t have competition they won’t need me.”

Olivia waited as I let that process. The Messina ’s wouldn’t need Olivia if they didn’t have competition. The Dellacroce’s were there only competition.

“Point of the story is,” Olivia continued, “My mom’s going to go to the Messina ’s and offer to work for them. She’s gonna give up being in charge of a mob organization and work for her enemy. And she’s doing it all for me.”

Olivia cut off and I could tell she was choking up. I gave her hand a squeeze.

“That’s when you really realized she cared about you?”

Olivia nodded.

“It’s just so overwhelming,” she told me, “That’s why I’m crying.”

“Hey,” I said to her, “You cry all you need to.”

“I love you,” Olivia said through her tears.

I smiled thinking about emotional Olivia was being. She had gone from laughing to crying to admitting her love to me in 5 minutes.

“I love you to Liv.”

“Oh man,” Olivia sighed happily as we pulled into my driveway, “I really am crazy.”

“And you’re home,” I smiled.

Olivia and I looked at each other happily.

I pulled off my white sunglasses and before I had set them down Olivia’s lips were on mine.

“Thanks for bringing me back,” she mumbled.

I smiled again and got out of the car so I could carry Olivia back into the home she belonged in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww. Cuteness.

So... about three or four chapters left in the story? Yeah, something like that.

Get your thoughts in now!! Comment/Review. Thanks.

love you guys.