‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


"Who picked basketball?" Olivia was asking as she walked onto our court, "And is there any game you guys don't have built into your house?"

"Nope," Joe replied shooting a 3 pointer.

"You do know what basketball is right?" I joked as Olivia stood next to me on the sideline.

"Ha ha," she replied sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm just checkin," You are the one who didn't know what Roof Ball was."

"Who does know what Roof Ball is!?" Olivia exclaimed.

“Everyone knows what it is,” I replied, “It’s like really popular.”

"What' going on?" Kevin asked as he walked up to us.

"Nick’s making me feel stupid because he keeps making fun of me because I didn't know what Roof Ball was," Olivia explained.

I was already laughing to myself at my joke.

"Roof Ball?" Kevin said, "Why would you know what that is? Nick made it up when he was like 5."

Olivia turned her head slowly to look at me. When I saw the shocked look on her face I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I burst into laughter.

"Nicholas - " Olivia started before realizing she didn't know my middle name.

"Jerry!" Joe called from where he was, taking another shot.

"Thanks," Olivia called before turning back to me, "Nicholas Jerry Jonas! You are a jerk!"

"Ooh, I'm really offended," I joked, still laughing.

Olivia and I had a very good, sarcastic friendship. She started whacking at my shoulder with her hand, but I was still laughing.

"So," Joe said appearing next to us, "What are teams?"

"Good question."

And suddenly I wasn't laughing anymore. I stood up straight and looked around seriously. It was game time, no more laughing.

"I pick Nick!" Joe exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. He loved using me for my sports ability.

We all agreed and the game began. Two minutes in Joe and I were up 6-0.

We were standing at our end of the court and Joe was dribbling the ball in place.

"These teams are hardly fair," Joe whispered to me.

"They're fine," I replied, “It’s not all about winning and losing."

"Yeah when you're winning," Joe replied.

"Oh well," I shrugged, "I say as long as they don't have a problem with it, we keep the teams."

"I'm in," Joe told me, "Let's burn 'em while we have the chance."

"I'll go long."

And with that I sprinted down the court as Joe slowly dribbled forward. Kevin ran to cover me and Olivia advanced on Joe.

"Oh you want the ball don't you," I could hear Joe quietly taunting his girlfriend.

"Gimme it," she demanded.

"Here ya go," Joe held it out and of course pulled it away just in time.

"He better not lose it," I mumbled to Kevin, "I'll kill him."

"He's having fun," Kevin said.

"Who are you, his dad?" I questioned making fun of Kevin's comment.

"I'm just sayin," Kevin went on, "You know how Joe is. He'll tease his girl but he won't give in to her."

"True," I stated seriously, "He's good at that balance."


"Maybe he can teach me," I said thoughtfully, "I really am a softie."

"That could help you," Kevin said.

"Maybe he'll help me find a better girlfriend too," I went on.

"Don't get desperate."

"Whoa!" Joe yelled, interrupting Kevin's and my serious discussion.

I focused back on Joe and saw Olivia running the other way with the ball.

"Oh my God," Kevin laughed.

"What the heck happened!?" I shouted.

"She got it from me," Joe replied lamely.

"You let her have it didn't you?" I questioned.

"No Nick!" Joe called back, "She's better than she looks! Please don't kill me!"

Meanwhile, Olivia was doing a victory dance to celebrate her teams first points.

"Calm down," Kevin advised me.

"Yeah ok," I said before walking over to Joe.

"I'm ready now," Joe told me, "No mercy!"

He sounded serious, but just to be safe; I smacked the back of his head.

"Ow," Joe whined like a little girl.

But then he shook it off and picked up the ball as it bounced towards us.

"Thanks man," he said to me, "I needed that."

And the game began again.

After awhile we decided to take a break. We were all sitting on the court chatting. Joe and I were up by 10.

"But then there's way too much peanut butter," Kevin was saying.

"Not if you put enough jelly on it," Joe replied, "Duh."

"If you put too much jelly on it, it leaks and the crust gets soggy," Kevin argued.

"But if you only peanut butter one side, a whole piece of the bread gets soggy," Joe reasoned, "Oh burn. I won."

Olivia and I were sitting silently turning back and forth between Joe and Kevin as they argued. They were so ridiculous.

"Liv, back me up," Joe demanded.

"Whoa," she said, "I am not getting in the middle of this."

"Come on Liv, just tell us how you like your peanut butter and jelly's!" Joe urged.

"Uh well," she started.

It was funny to me how much she didn't want to side with either of them.

But as she was about to make up an answer, Joe's phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" I demanded as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Ha, Andrew," he said, laughing for who knows why, "Excuse me. I gotta take this."

"I'm going to get a drink," Olivia stated.

"Ooh get me one," Joe demanded.

"No!" she replied.

"I hate you," Joe called to her as he flipped open his phone.

I heard Olivia giggle before walking into the house.

Sometimes how "cute" they were made me want to vomit. Not that I didn't act like that with my girlfriends, but Joe always did it right in front of us. I mean it didn't really bother me, but it probably would have bothered me less, if I still had a girlfriend to be cute with.

I was still so confused by my whole Melissa situation. I shouldn't be, and I wasn't, upset about not being with her. I mean she's a liar and a jerk and a mob princess.

But none of that stopped me from hurting. It didn't stop me from shedding tears because of our break up.

I knew she wasn't worth it. I knew I shouldn't be in pain because of her, but I was.

I would be until I got over my anger at myself for falling for her.

But to do that I have to move on. Let go. That was another thing I could use help with.

Though I denied it when Joe accused me, I always did fall too hard, too fast.

"You ok man?" Kevin's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "You look like you're trying to brutally murder that tree you're staring at, simply by shooting it a death glare and in the process....Nick! Where are you goin!?"

Half way through his rambling I started walking away from him.

"Let's play until they both come back," I said, deciding to change the subject instead of answering him.


So I shook all my thoughts of Melissa out of my head and focused on the game. I'd say that was a good step towards letting go.

* * * * * * * *


It was a few hours after Kevin and I had lost the basketball game. I had just finished changing into comfortable shorts and one of Joe's t-shirts that I had stolen from his room...maybe he wouldn't notice.

I wasn't really in pain from the warehouse adventure, but I was extremely worn out. Basketball probably wasn't the best idea. So, even though it was 10:25 I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I had taken Joe's advice. After the game today I had told Nick my opinion of Melissa and made sure he knew that I thought she wasn't worth it.

He actually seemed pretty good. Joe and I decided it was surprising how well he seemed to be doing at this "moving on" thing. But now I was worried about Kevin.

He was funny and nice and seemed perfectly normal, on the outside.

But I knew, I could tell, that on the inside Kevin was still in pieces.

He had broken up with Danielle to protect her, just like I had left the Jonas' to protect them. That's why I totally understood Kevin's reasoning.

If only Danielle understood like I do.

And besides, it was my bringing the mob to the family that made Kevin do this in the first place. I had to do something, but what? What could I do or say that would bring Kevin and Danielle back together?

My planning was interrupted by a knock at my door. Before I answered, it opened revealing a smiling Joe.

"Hey," he said, "You're not going to bed without me, are you?"

"Nah," I said, "I knew you'd come to me."

"Ok," Joe said, "Go ahead and make me out to be the groveling boyfriend. But, we both know you were desperately waiting for me."

I looked up and down at his perfectly messed up hair and his sweatpants and beater.

"Ok let's say you're right," I spit out, "Put me out of my misery."

Joe smiled hugely and immediately obeyed. He jumped and bounded onto my bed.

"That was fun," he noted as he landed next to me.

I laughed as the 5 year old in Joe came out.

Before I knew it Joe had moved and was hovering above me. His lips crashed onto mine and I threw my arms around his neck and put my hands in the bottom of his hair.

I smiled into the kiss as the 19 year old in Joe came out.

His tongue slid across my bottom lip but as I opened my mouth, Joe pulled away. He then started kissing my neck and I smiled even more. Just as I thought Joe was gonna kiss me again; he rolled over and off of me. We were now lying next to each other on our backs.

I looked over at Joe, confused.

"What?" he smirked, "I already gave you the motivation to come home. I can't kiss you too much or you'll have no motivation to stay."

"Tease," I accused of Joe.

"Yeah well, you can't always put it all out there," Joe started rambling, "You have to save - "

"Oh shut up," I mumbled.

I pushed off the bed and rolled over so I was hovering above Joe now.

I pressed my lips on his and we calmly made out until we took a breath. Then, when our lips reconnected it was more passionate and filled with all our built up emotion.

Joe's tongue was already exploring mine and his hands were holding my waist.

After we took another breath, I took control. I bit down on Joe's lip and he pulled me down so I was no longer hovering, but lying on top of him.

After who knows how many more minutes of making out I rolled off Joe. I was now resting my head on his chest and my arm was across his stomach. One of his hands was resting on mine and his other hand was gently playing with my hair.

"I could really get used to falling asleep like this," Joe told me.

"Me too," I grinned, snuggling closer to him.

"So how about we go out tomorrow?" Joe suggested, abruptly, "I don't care where. We can go to dinner, see a movie. I'm sure I could find us a party to go to. What do you wanna do?"

"Wow Joe," I said laughing, "So many options! But I actually already have plans tomorrow."

"Oh with your other boyfriend?" Joe joked.

"No I'm hanging out with him the next day," I joked back, "Tomorrow I'm going to see Danielle."

"Danielle?" Joe asked, sounding surprised, "It's cool that you guys are still friends."

"Yeah," I agreed deciding not to tell Joe about my plan until after I did it, "And I think Kevin and Danielle will be ok again."

"I sure hope so," Joe signed, “We made it back to each other."

"And Kevin had faith in us the whole time," I said, "So I'm not gonna lose faith in them."

"I love you," Joe said casually.

"I love you too Joe," I said, "But I'm kinda tired."

Joe chuckled while kissing the top of my head.

"Goodnight Liv.'

"Night Joey."



"I like your shirt."

For some reason this made me blush and I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Seriously," he said, "It's all yours."
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, cute.

Glad that they are okay now?

thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


review/comments would make our day.

Three chapters left? Sadness...
Thanks for reading.