‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


This morning I had, again, woken up with my girlfriend in my arms. I had always thought about how that would feel, but never realized how amazing it would really be. We had gotten up together and went downstairs to get breakfast.

Nick was already there, but no Kevin.

Apparently he had either gotten up really early and left again, or he had never come home from Danielle’s.

Anyway, that was an hour or so ago. I was currently sitting in our brand new hot tub in my swim trunks and a t-shirt. Olivia was on the way.

As I waited I moved across the tub to the control buttons. I debated between lights and jets; I decided to turn on both.

Just as the jets were kicking in, Olivia came walking towards me wrapped in a towel.

“Hey,” I said casually, leaning back against the side of the tub.

“Whadup?” she replied pulling her hair up in a bun and letting her towel drop.

Damn she was beautiful. And not just because I’m a teenage boy and she was in a bikini. Everything about her was just straight gorgeous.

“Joe,” Olivia said sounding confused, “Why are you still wearing your t-shirt?”

“Eh, I thought it’d be more dramatic if I took it off when you were here.”

“Oh,” Olivia said, “Well go for it.”

“Whoa,” I joked, “I know you’re excited, but jeez.”

Olivia rolled her eyes as she slid into the water.

“Mmm,” she said, “This is awesome.”

“I agree,” I told her, “Now come here.”

I grabbed her hand under the water and tugged her towards me. We were now sitting directly across from each other.

Now that my shirt was pretty much soaked I decided to take it off. I quickly pulled it over my head and tossed it towards Olivia’s towel.

“That was so epic,” she stated, making me grin.

“Why thank you.”

“Oh my gosh,” Olivia breathed, staring at my chest area.

Wow, I thought, apparently all my working out was doing something. I could humbly thank her for being so amazed and simply accept her compliment….nah!

“Look baby,” I said, “I know it’s a nice sight, but I’d appreciate if you looked at my eyes instead of my chest when we talk.”

Olivia rolled her eyes again, and then looked up at me.

“I was staring at your scar,” she told me.

“Oh,” I said laughing, “Yeah it’s still pretty obvious.”

“It is,” she said leaning closer to me and placing her hand on my shoulder area where my scar was.

“I feel so bad,” she admitted still looking at my scar, “I ruined your perfect image by letting you get shot.”

Oh no, I was not going to let her start blaming herself again! Especially when it was not her fault.

“I’m glad I have it,” I said honestly.

Her eyes flicked up to mine and I could see her confusion.

“Every time I see my scar it reminds me of us,” I explained truthfully, “It reminds me of what we’ve been through together, of the sacrifices we made to be together, of how lucky I am to be alive and living my life with you. And all those things remind me of how I will never let you go and how much I love you.”

Olivia continued to stare in my eyes, without speaking, after my explanation. For once I couldn’t tell what she was thinking or what emotions she was feeling.

I got my answer when her lips crashed onto mine. Our lips pressed together for a few seconds before she pulled away and slid back to the other side of the hot tub.

“Well I’m not complaining,” I smiled, “But what brought that on?”

“I guess I just can’t control myself when you go all romantic on me,” Olivia blushed, looking away from me.

“Hey,” I said urging her to look at me, “No need to be embarrassed, though it is adorable when you blush. But seriously, Liv you do the same thing to me.”

“No I don’t,” she denied smiling and playing with the hem of her bathing suit.

“Yeah you do,” I said honestly, “I just hide it well.”

“What happened to the Joe Jonas that is open with every part of his feelings towards girls?”

“Maybe he thinks that if she knows it makes him blush, she’ll stop,” I answered her, “How’s that for honest?”

“Well then that Joe should know,” Olivia told me, “The blushing would make her do it more.”

I grinned happily at Olivia as our cryptic conversation ended.

“So can you tell me more about Nick and this Brianna girl?” Olivia asked.

“Hmm,” I said, “Brianna Parker! Or as I used to call her, Little Bri Bri.”

“How sweet of you,” Olivia joked.

“I know, right?” I smiled, “But anyway, Brianna was Nick’s first girlfriend. Even back then he fell hard and fast. I think he met her one day and the next he was already pulling her pigtail!”

Olivia laughed, shaking her head.

“So how old were they?” she questioned further.

“They were 6 years old,” I explained thinking back, “Their relationship was pretty serious.”

”Well of course it was if Nick was involved,” Olivia commented, “I bet they even held hands!”

“Oh they did,” I continued, “And they even borrowed each others toys.”

“And after all that they broke up?” Olivia asked acting astonished, “What happened? Did Nick decide to pursue his career more seriously and Brianna knew he’d always put his music before her?”

I laughed loudly at Olivia’s joking and grinned the whole time our pretend serious conversation went on.

“Actually, Brianna’s family moved out here to California and the two of them were tragically ripped apart.”

“Wow,” Olivia said, “And now its 10 years later and you got to witness the reunion.”

“Yep,” I replied, “It was touching. And Nick already has it set up for us to hang out with her tomorrow.”

“Impressive,” Olivia nodded, “So you think Nick’s gonna fall for her again?”

“Let’s put it this way,” I smiled, “I’m pretty sure after tomorrow night, Nick will already be pulling Brianna’s pigtail.”

Olivia laughed again then sighed happily.

“Well I hope she’s as cool as she was when she was 6,” she stated.

“Meeeee too!” I exclaimed.

We then fell into a comfortable silence. We sat enjoying the water and jets and just being happy.

“Oh my God,” Olivia breathed suddenly, sitting straight up, “Oh my. It worked!”

“What?” I asked getting confused, “What worked?”

Olivia didn’t answer, but I noticed her staring straight ahead. I quickly looked around and shock ran through me.

Kevin and Danielle. Walking towards us. Holding hands. What?

“What worked?” I asked again, “Liv, what did you do?”

“Joe get out of the hot tub,” Olivia demanded, ignoring me.

I got even more confused as Olivia hurried to get out. Kevin and Danielle were still smiling and walking towards us. I guess they made up.

“Hey guys!” Olivia called out to Kevin and Danielle, “You’re coming to use this right? We were just leaving!”

I was still sitting casually in the hot water.

“Joe,” Olivia whispered fiercely, “Get out!”

I grabbed the side of the hot tub and swung myself out.

“Hey guys,” I said flipping my wet hair out of my eyes, “What’s up?”

“We were just gonna talk,” Kevin explained, “And I thought it’d be cool to try out the new hot tub.”

“Of course,” I said laughing, “Apparently we were just leaving.”

Olivia was already walking away. I quickly ran to catch up with her.

“Hey,” I said as I stopped next to her, “What was that about?”

“Joe!” she said, “Kevin and Danielle are here together, holding hands! They’re working things out!”

“Yeah and that’s the best news ever,” I replied, “But why did we have to get out of the hot tub. And what did you mean ‘It worked’?”

”Well I might have gone to Danielle and explained that Kevin was trying to protect her,” Olivia mumbled.

“Did you have a dramatic exit?” I asked.

“Of course!”

”You’re amazing,” I told her, swinging my arm around her shoulders.

“Well it was Danielle who decided to contact Kevin,” Olivia told me.

“Yeah I was there when that happened too.”

“It was a good night,” she commented.

“Indeed it was,” I grinned, “Indeed it was.”

* * * * * *


Danielle and I dropped our towels and slipped into the hot tub silently. We were now sitting across from each other just as Joe and Olivia had been a few minutes ago.

“I guess I should have thanked Olivia,” I commented, “She is the reason you forgave me.”

“No she’s not,” Danielle denied, “She came to me but she couldn’t force me to forgive you. She explained how she understood what you were thinking and she really helped me. But Kevin, it was you that made me forgive you. After openly talking to Olivia about you I realized how much I missed you. I’m sorry it took so long.”

“Danielle I don’t care how long it takes, or took,” I said honestly, “I’m so glad everything worked out. Danielle, you have to know it had nothing to do with not loving – “

“Kevin,” she cut me off, “Sssh. I know. I just want to move on.”

She smiled at me sweetly as my nerves kicked in. I reached over the tub and grabbed the box out of my pants pocket.

“Me too,” I said turning back to Danielle, “And that’s why I’m going to try again.”

”Danielle,” I went on, popping open the box, “Will you marry me?”

“Oh my gosh,” she gasped, “Kevin! Yes!”

I smiled as she struggled for words and kept repeating yes. But I didn’t need her to say anything else. I could see her answer through her smile and through the look in her eyes.

So, one more time I slipped the ring onto her finger.

“Kevin?” Danielle sounded confused, “Is this a different ring? I mean it looks pretty much the same but – you’re not stupid enough to spend money on a second ring are you?”

I laughed at how much of a tight wad Danielle was.

“I thought about buying another one,” I admitted, “I thought it’d be nice, like a new beginning and completely moving on. But then I realized that without what we’ve been through we wouldn’t be where we are. So I had an extra band added to the same ring. The extra band represents that we built on what we went through and now we’re stronger because of it.”

I stared into Danielle’s eyes the whole time I explained myself. By the end of my speech I could tell Danielle was choking up.

“I love you,” she whispered, “You’re amazing and that was beautiful and this ring is beautiful!”

“Danielle,” I said quietly, “I love you.”

And just after the words escaped my lips, I pressed ours together.

Danielle wrapped her arms around my neck as I kissed her.

Life was finally perfect again.

* * * * *

I had just gotten back from taking Danielle home to her apartment. Still smiling broadly, I decided to look for Joe and Nick.

I ran up the steps and started looking through the upstairs hallway. I quickly found them together in Joe’s room.

“Hey,” I said interrupting their chat, “What’s up?”

“We’re just chillin,” Joe replied obnoxiously.

I laughed and sat down on Joe’s bed.

“So where’s Olivia?” I asked.

“Shower,” Joe told me leaning back on two legs of the chair he was in.

“Where’s Danielle?” Nick asked me.

“I just took her home,” I answered, “I’m glad you noticed I was gone for 40 minutes.”

“Not like I would have seen you if you were home,” Nick replied, “Not while you were off makin out somewhere.”

“Well excuse me for missing my girlf – fiancé!”

“I was joking,” Nick started, “Wait you’re engaged again!?”

“Yes we are.”

“Yay! Yay! Yay!” Joe exclaimed clapping his hand and looking like a large 4 year old.

“That’s great news. I’m happy for you,” Nick said sounding like a young 40 year old.

I love my brothers!

”So Danielle decided you weren’t that ugly and took you back?” Joe asked me.

“Haha,” I mocked sarcastically, “You’re so funny!”

“But seriously,” Nick said, “Joe was telling me that Olivia went to see Danielle and that’s when she realized she loves you?”

“Yep,” I answered, “Olivia told Danielle about how she left us to protect us just like how I broke up with Danielle.”

“Don’t be offended that Olivia got through to her,” Joe demanded of me, “It’s some weird girl understanding thing.”

I rolled my eyes, but laughed.

“Thanks Joe, but I’m not offended,” I said, “I’m just so grateful that Olivia did that. I really need to thank her.”

“She was peeing her pants with excitement,” Joe told me.

“Kinda like you were 3 minutes ago?” Nick shot at him.

Joe shot him an ugly face and I smiled again.

My only problem now was picking a date for my wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter! Get your reviews in now! We really want to know what you think!
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We love you guys!

-Shelby and Rosie