‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


The wedding had been beautiful. The church looked amazing all covered in flowers and with all the windows open so the sun could shine through.

Danielle had looked awesome when she entered the church and everyone turned to stare at her.

Olivia, who was sitting in the front row, mouthed, “Look at Kevin.”

I turned from where I was standing, as best man, to look at my brother. He had the biggest smile I had ever seen stretched across his face. And as I stared at him I knew nothing could make him look away from his bride.

We were now at the reception which was surrounded by even more flowers! All the guests and the newly weds had already walked through a huge archway and into the party. We were outside under a tent in a beautiful tent.

We had already taken family pictures, brother pictures, friend pictures, and every different group of people you could imagine.

I lined up behind Olivia and next to the rest of my family, for another picture.

“If I have to take one more posed picture,” I mumbled to Olivia through my smile.

“Oh shut up,” she said, turning to slap me after the flash went off, “On your wedding day you’ll want to take never-ending pictures too.”

“Oh my wedding day, all I’ll want to do is dance with and stare at my beautiful bride,” I told her.

She just smiled hugely and grabbed my hand. I made sure our fingers intertwined as she led me to the dance floor. When we reached it I spun her out so her hair and dress flew out around her.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered to her as I pulled her back in.

She blushed and buried her face in my chest. I leaned down to press a kiss to the top of her head. This would never get old.

After a second, she looked up and our eyes met. Her gaze dropped for a second to look at my lips.

“Hey Olivia,” I said seriously, “My lips are Skittles, do you want to taste the rainbow?”

Olivia stared at me with a “Really?” expression on her face, but I could tell she was trying as hard as she could not to laugh.

“You’re so gay,” she said rolling her eyes.

But as I continued to stare at her, seriously, she couldn’t hold it in. She threw her head back and laughed loudly.

After a second she snapped her gaze back to mine and looked at me seriously.

“But seriously,” she said, “I do love Skittles.”

“Then you’re gonna love this,” I said before smashing my lips onto hers.

It was just so fun to be lame around her! She would always make fun of me for it, laugh, then be lame right back at me.

As the song ended, we broke our kiss and I noticed my brothers standing together.

“Hey I’m gonna go talk to Kevin and Nick,” I said, “You wanna come?”

”No thanks,” she said, “You go ahead and have a JoBro moment.”

I grinned at her before going over to my brothers. Without a word I pulled Kevin into another hug.

“Where’s Danielle?” I asked curiously.

“Dancing,” Kevin replied shortly.

“You’re letting her dance a slow song without you on your wedding day!?” I asked, “Do you want me to fight off the other guy?”

“Yeah,” Kevin replied, “If you want to fight her 90 year old grandfather.”

“Oh,” I said, as we all started laughing.

I followed Kevin’s gaze to find that he was staring at Danielle with a stupid smile on his face.

“Dude I’ve never seen you so happy,” I stated.

“I’ve never been this happy,” Kevin replied, “You guys won’t understand the feeling until it happens to you.”

I looked back at Kevin’s wife as she was helping her grandfather to a chair. She then went back to the dance floor and stared directly at Kevin.

“Get over here,” she mouthed, wiggling her finger at him.

I smiled again as Nick gave Kevin a shove towards her.

“Go get ‘em!” I called.

“Oh Nicholas, I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it when you get married,” I said putting an arm around his shoulders.

“Maybe I just won’t invite you then, weirdo,” Nick replied stepping away from me.

“Fine!” I exclaimed crossing my arms.

“Joe, don’t do that,” Nick demanded.

“Fine, I’ll just go talk to Great Uncle Barney!” I told him.

“No you do not want to do that,” Nick said seriously, “Brianna and I already sat through 45 minutes of the best way to kill a fly.”

“How do you talk for 45 minutes about - ?”

“It was Uncle Barney, Joe,” Nick cut me off, “Enough said.”

“True,” I said, “But anyway where is Little Bri Bri?”

“Joe, don’t call her that.”

“Why can’t I call her that?’

“It’s annoying.”

“Well let’s ask her,” I suggested, “Here she comes.”

”Don’t ask her.”

“I won’t ask her, if you ask her to dance.”

”Joe I hate dancing.”

“Oh hey Brianna,” I said loudly, “Do you care – “

“Do you wanna dance?” Nick cut me off again.

“Yeah, I’d love too.”

I smirked as they walked off. I then sat down at the closest chair which happened to be at a deserted table.

“Hey, what are you doing over here by yourself?” Olivia asked, approaching me.

“Trying to decide which relative to talk too,” I told her honestly.

She laughed and set her drink down on the table.

“Well maybe I can help you decide,” she offered.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto my lap.

“Which ones have you met?” I asked her.

“Hmm, let me see,” she replied, looking around.

I looked around too, waiting for an answer.

I first saw my parents. They were laughing and dancing with drinks in their hands.

“My parents aren’t driving home tonight,” I said to Olivia.

I then looked at Nick and Brianna dancing together.

”Check out Nick getting his groove on,” I whispered, making Olivia laugh again.

Yes, Brianna was Nick’s date to the wedding. They weren’t serious yet, but they had been going on dates ever since the reunion.

Of course, after the Melissa situation, Nick had a background check run on Brianna before their first date, which ended up inspiring our new hit song, Paranoid.

The next member of my family I saw was Frankie.

“Oh and Frankie’s doing the robot!” I exclaimed, “I taught him that!”

“Of course you did,” Olivia replied.

I took a sip out of Olivia’s drink before focusing on Danielle and Kevin.

Olivia had apparently been watching them too.

“They are so happy,” she breathed, “I loved when Danielle called Kevin her best friend in her vowels.”

“They are best friends,” I said, “That’s why they’re so happy.”

“Joe,” Olivia whispered, “You’re my best friend.”

I smiled and pressed my lips to her exposed shoulder. I knew she meant that with all her heart.

I noticed she was still staring happily at Kevin and Danielle and leaned closer so my lips were lightly brushing her ear.

“That’s gonna be us someday,” I whispered.

Olivia’s eyes closed and I felt chills erupt down her arms. But most importantly, a grin grew on her face.

She liked the sound of that just as much as I did.

And with that thought in my mind, my spirits soared.

All the pain and lying and drama was over.

So without warning I scooped Olivia up and took her back to the dance floor where we joined Kevin, Nick, and their girls.

The six of us joined together and celebrated the beginning of our problem and mob free relationships.

The End
♠ ♠ ♠
And that's a wrap.

I hope you all enjoyed the sequel of Careful Confessions, and the final installment in the "Mob Madness" series. I sure did! Both Rosie and I loved reading all your reviews and hearing all your wonderful thoughts and opinions!

So this is the end. Time to bid goodbye.
Thanks for being here with us!
Leave some last time thoughts for us.

Thank you!

-Rosie and Shelby