‹ Prequel: Careful Confessions

Consider This

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


Needless to say I lay in bed that night unable to fall asleep. How could I when my best friend was in love with a girl who was a huge liar.

And I couldn't tell my boyfriend, my best friends brother, because he was so pleased about his brothers all being in love!

But it was as that thought ran through my mind that I realized I had to tell someone. I could tell Joe and he would help me tell Nick. I couldn't let Nick go on loving someone who was only in it for the mob. Nick deserved so much more than that!

And somehow I found myself jumping out of my bed. I walked all the way to Joe's door before realizing this was ridiculous. I couldn't barge into his room while he was sleeping and tell him this kind of stuff.

I had to keep the secret to myself until morning.



"I knew you'd be down here."

I turned and saw Melissa walking down the steps into the room I was in.

"Hey Mel," I smiled setting down my guitar.

"What cha working on?" she asked sitting down on the couch next to me.

"New song," I replied simply.

"Ah, so you're feeling emotional?" she questioned.

I grinned, loving how well she knew me.

"But I'm glad you're writing new stuff," she went on, "I've been worried about the bad lately."

"We're just on a vacation right now," I assured her, "No problems."

"Ok good," Melissa said sounding relieved.

"You were really worried weren't you?" I asked her.

"Of course," she said innocently, "I love the band."

"I love you."

I hadn't planned it or thought about it or debated. It had just slipped out. I had just enough time to become nervous before a smile broke out on Melissa's face.

"You don't have to say anything back," I started.

"Nick stop," Melissa demanded, "It sounds so good to hear you say that. I love you!"

I knew the smile on my face couldn't get any bigger.

I slid closer to Melissa on the couch.

"You don't know how good it feels to say that," I whispered to her.

Next thing I knew her lips were on mine. I pulled her as close to me as I could and was still smiling when we pulled apart.

"Let's not go out tonight," Melissa suggested.

"Ok," I agreed willingly, "You want to watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah," she said sounding excited, "Let's watch a Disney movie! Oh wait, do you have Disney movies?"

"Uh," I scoffed, "Do I have Disney movies? Take your pick. I guarantee we have it."

"Hhmmm," Melissa thought, "How about Aladdin!?"

And that's how I spent one of the best evenings of my life. Cuddled on the couch with the girl I loved, watching Aladdin.

I couldn't imagine anything that could ruin the happiness inside of me.



Kevin, Frankie, and I were in one of our living room having intense Mario Kart races. Melissa and Nick were somewhere else in the house, and Olivia was in her room doing her nonsense.

"Ha!" I exclaimed, "Kev you just got poned!"

"Crap," Kevin responded leaning back on the couch, 'I was so close!"

"Who's next?" Frankie asked cockily.

"You're worst nightmare!" I told him grabbing the wheel, "Pick your poison!"

A few minutes later, I was starting my second lap, and Olivia walked in.

"Hey Liv what's up?" I greeted not looking away from the screen.

"Uh, Joe we need to talk," she responded.

"Ok, one second," I said, "I gotta finish kicking Frankie's butt."

And sure enough 30 seconds later my character, Boo, was celebrating a victory.

"Better luck next time bro," I said, "You two have a rematch while I'm gone."

I got up and followed Olivia out into the hallway.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, noticing she looked concerned.

"Yeah," she told me, "I just have some news and it's not good. I didn't know if I should tell you. I still don't. I don't want to mess up someone else’s life."

"Whoa," I stopped her, "Slow down. Start at the beginning and tell me what happened."

"Well ok," Olivia started again, "Remember the other day when you had that live chat and Melissa and I were hanging out together? Well she said something to me."

Olivia took a deep breath and I started to get nervous. This sounded serious.

"She told me the Messina mob family could use my help. She was asking me to join the Messina 's!"

I couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my face as relief washed over me.

"Wh-why are you smiling?" Olivia demanded.

"I don't think we have anything to worry about," I told her honestly.

"How can you say that?" she asked me quietly, "Melissa works for the mob! We need to save Nick before she hurts him."

"Olivia come on," I smiled at her.

It was cute how concerned she was, so I decided to tell her.

"It's cute that you want to make sure everything's good," I went on, "But Melissa had to be joking. We've known her a long time, we would have realized by now."

"Joe," Olivia said, "She wasn't joking."

"Look Liv," I said, "I know it's easy to believe that because you have had so much exposure to the mob, but please don't worry about it."

I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Do you want to come play with us?"

"No thanks," Olivia replied, "I'll be upstairs."

And with that she turned and left.



I couldn't believe Joe didn't believe me! I was so sure that he would!

I angrily walked upstairs to a living room and flipped on the TV.

Why in the world would Melissa joke about being in the mob!?! That's not funny!

But I forced myself to calm down. I had been shocked when I first found out too. Maybe Joe was in denial. I'd just have to explain it again tomorrow. He'd have to believe me eventually.

"Hey Olivia," Nick said walking through the room I was in, "What's up?"

"Just watching some TV," I answered, ”What are you doing?"

"Getting some drinks for Mel and I," he told me.

"Well you seem awfully happy," I said noticing his smile.

"Of course I am," he grinned, "I'm in love."

"So, so you told her?"


I forced myself to smile despite the sinking feeling in my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
What is she going to do!?

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No lie.
