Sequel: Jagged Edge

Painful Lullaby

I'm Not O-***ing-Kay

Kori arrived next, talking about something she'd watched on TV. Then Brandy and Abbie came together, and Brandy was already all over Jag, sitting close to him and touching his arm. Donny and Bryce came in without even knocking, arguing about a band they'd found. Abbie joined in, since she knew the band, and Brandy moved over to sit by them.

We waited 10 more minutes for Veronica and Zoe. Eventually, they came in, Veronica telling Zoe that she knew where she was going, and that they'd made it, hadn't they? Adam still hadn't come out of the bathroom. Nobody noticed Jag and my silence.

"Hey, why don't we all crowd into the living room," Jag said, clapping his hands. Everyone grumbled and got up and walked into the living room. Brandy, Kori, Abbie, Zoe, and Veronica all crammed onto the small loveseat. Donny, Bryce, Jag and I sat on the couch. Adam came out of the bathroom and sat in the armchair by the doorway. I could tell he'd been crying.

"Well, we all got together so we could meet and stuff. So I'll start, I'm Jag," Jag said, waving.

"I'm Roxie," I smiled.

"I'm Donny."


"My name is Zoe! Hi!"

It got to Veronica, and she just glared at the floor. She wouldn't say anything. Zoe nudged her, and she groaned.

"Veronica," she grumbled.

"Hey, my name is Kori!"


"I'm Brandy."

"Adam." After he finished, there was an awkward silence.

"Who wants some random YouTube videos?" Zoe suggested. Everyone made some sound of approval. We followed Jag upstairs, sounding like a pack of animals. Zoe made it to the computer first, so she and Victoria squished into the chair. Everyone else crowded around.

We spent the next hour and a half watching videos. Eventually, we ended up listening to music and screaming along to I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance. Zoe was dancing with Brandy and Abbie as the rest of us watched, being extremely amused by them.

Adam even seemed to lighten up.

I could only wonder what Jag did to make him cry. It couldn't have been physical. I didn't think Jag was like that. But I didn't know much about him in the first place.

God, this whole damn thing was stressing me out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit goes to I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance
Sorry for the lenght, I lost intrest in this after a while.

Here's a random conversation between me and xSpunkyx. It inspired this chapter:
lmfao, we'd be going to florida and end up in Asia.
"amber, we shouldnt have to take a boat..."
"we're going over this huge river, elizabeth, of course we need a boat! we cant drive over it!"

Comments are the new black.
Or you could tell your friends.
Or I could just leave now.