Sequel: Jagged Edge

Painful Lullaby

Scream Your Heart Out

"What!?" Zoe exclaimed as she wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"Ape Man Way. His armpits are hairy," she acknowledged, pointing at his armpit. We all started laughing harder.

"Oh my gosh, remember Kitty Mikey?" Zoe asked, laughing again. We had a huge My Chemical Romance obsession. During this obsession we gave each band member a superhero nickname.

"Yeah! And Fantastic Frank!" I exclaimed.



"Wonder Way!" We all broke into another fit of laughter.

"How did you get the name 'Kitty Mikey'?" Adam asked. We all started laughing harder.

"There was this picture of Mikey Way dressed as like...a hooker," I giggled.

"Oh, remember when we realized that their personalities were just like ours!" Veronica reminisced. Just the thought made me nostalgic.

"Haha! Yeah! I was Frank, Roxie was Gerard, and Veronica was Bob!" Zoe giggled. Veronica gave us all the death glare, which made us laugh harder.

"Just wait...I'm going to smack you," she hissed through gritted teeth. Her eyebrow twitched, like it did when she was super pissed off. She didn't like being called Bob. My theory is that she loves him, but never, ever tell her that to her face. She will hurt you.

It took us several tries to calm down. After about ten minutes we had reached a level of calm where we could actually talk without laughing.

"Oh man, that was amazing," I sighed, "Oh, Veronica. Did Zoe tell you what was in her wastebasket?"

"Shut up!" Zoe hissed. Veronica looked very confused.

"What was in it?"

"Condom wrappers!" I whispered, then covered my mouth to stifle the giggles.

"Zoe!" Veronica exclaimed, but it was too late. I'd started a war.

"Oh yeah?! At least we use them!" Zoe growled. I gasped.

"I am shocked at you, Zoe!" My hand fluttered up to my heart, acting as if I were in total shock.

"Well, look where it got you! You're pregnant!" Zoe said, then started to laugh.

"Wait! Hold on! Roxie, you're pregnant?" Veronica asked.

"Uh. Yeah, I am," I admitted. I'd forgotten that she didn't know. Veronica glared into her webcam.

"You, Ethan, are going to be strangled," she growled, warning him. Jag choked on his laughter but got caught smiling. Veronica's hand twitched. Jag was lucky to be away from her. Far, far away from her. Zoe growled, actually growled. I burst out laughing and so did Zoe.


"I know, I know," I said.

"So, are you gonna keep it? Are you gonna get married? What are ya gonna do?" Zoe asked, not giving us time to answer any of them.

"Uh, well I'm gonna have it. I don't know about the rest of the stuff though," I confessed.


"We just haven't talked about it yet, gosh!" I said, trying to calm her down. She was still fuming, but she wasn't yelling anymore. She still shook her head at all of us.

"You are...are...unbelievable!" She pointed out.

"I know," I nodded, "but we need to get going. To talk some stuff over," I said.

"Bye!" Everyone yelled in unison.

"Bye," Jag and I said, then I shut off the webcam.

"So, about the marriage thing..." I started.

"Um..." I knew that he didn't want to.

"It's fine, I don't really wanna get married, either," I said.

"Well, I'll always be here with you, but I'm not ready to be married," Jag admitted, picking at the hem of his shirt.

"That's cool. As long as you're here," I said, kissing him on the cheek. He moved his head so that I was kissing his lips instead.
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Title credit goes to Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) by Lostprophets.
I'd like to dedicate this webcam chat to xSpunkyx because she helped with the inspiration and writing for it.