On the Formation and Habits of Vampires, and other creatures

Chapter Ten: Afterglow

I woke up, for the second time in a very short span of time, on the cold, concrete floor. I went to stand, but slipped in a pool of blood that had evidently pooled around me during my stay in the land of unconsciousness.
I looked up, and, seeing the doctor still sitting at a computer, asked her "Did I cough all of this up? It seems like a lot..." Her response came, but again, she had changed.
"Not all. Old wounds reopened. Virus integration reduces others' effects."
I wiped blood from the corner of my mouth, and then stared at her. When she became aware that no response would be forthcoming from me, she looked down at me. "New virus, none work for a while. Simple."
I still did nothing but stare, my arm resting on my knee, some blood on my hand, but she had apparently taken this conversation to the full extent of her expectations, and returned to her computer.
After a period of silence, neither of us moving save for her fingers flying over the keys of the keyboard, she said, without turning her head, "Go."
I didn't need more urging, so I stood and left, slipping only slightly on my pool of vampiric harpy werewolf blood.
Upon leaving that room, I found that no one else was in the building. After a short, uneventful walk around, I returned to what I had begun to think of as 'my room' and decided to sleep.
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The title refers to aftereffects of the virus integration, not anything else...