Status: Hiatus

Is It Too Late to Say I Hate Change?


Jimmy's POV

Dani woke me up in the morning, before rushing out of the room to get ready for the hell hole called school. When I went down stairs, Dani's mom told me that the power had come back on and my parents had gone back home. I thanked her and left Dani's house, and went over to mine. I took a shower as soon as I got home, and put on some new clothes. My mom ushered me out the door as soon as I walked down the stairs telling me I was late. With my bag in hand I started the 5 minute walk to the high school. I went to my locker first to put something in there for Zack, since we shared a locker. I grabbed my lyric notebook, and shoved it into my old tattered backpack, when I heard someone call my name.

"James Owen Sullivan!" Maggie's familiar voice yelled. I turned to face my best friend's girlfriend.


"I saw something very interesting this morning, and I have a few questions for you."

Oh shit


'Why were you leaving Ella's house this morning, in what looked to be the same clothes you wore yesterday?"

"You saw that?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, I did. Explain."

"It was nothing really. She just lives next door and the power went out, so Dani's parents offered us a place to stay until the power came back on."

"Uh huh...and since when do you call her Dani? Is that some sort of sick sexual nickname, you came up with for her? Does she have one for you too?" Maggie said making a face.

"Nothing happened Maggie, I swear," I said ignoring her questions.

"Sure..." she said looking me up and down.

"I promise."

"Right, whatever you say."

"Please don't tell," I sighed,

"Why would you be worried about it if nothing happened?" she smirked looking up at me. She was impressively shorter than me, and it was a shock she sometimes intimated me.

"Please Mags. I'll do anything," I begged. She seemed to think it over for a few minutes before a smirk appeared on her painted lips.

"Fine, I won't say anything, but you have to be my bitch for the rest of the week."

"Including the weekend?"

"But of course," she grinned.

"Fine," I sighed, sealing my fate.

"See you later Jimmy," she said, before turning on her heels and heading to her first class.

I sighed, and started on my way to my own class. We've all been Maggie's bitch before. It was her favorite punishment, when she knew something we didn't want the others to know and she couldn't tell them. It didn't really bother me, I would rather suffer her punishment then having the guys ask questions, but I knew that it would only be a matter of time until her questions began again. It was mostly my fault, I slipped up.

My first mistake was leaving Dani’s house through the front door. I should have left through the back instead, just in case anyone was waiting for Dani. My second Mistake was stopping at my locker. It was more than likely the first place that someone would come looking for me. My final Mistake was calling Dani, Dani, instead of Ella. Everyone calls her Ella except her family and well my family. I know I am doomed, I know Maggie will question me again.


Before lunch we all met in the usual spot, the back hall of the hall furthest from the entrance. The Back hall ran behind all the class rooms and it was used to get too storage closet and the detention room, but no one ever went back there during school. Brian, Matt, Zacky, and Maggie, were already there when I arrived. Johnny had yet to show up, but we all knew why. Johnny was either trying to talk to the girl he was currently obsessing over, or he was trying to sneak alcohol over to us. Either way he was almost always late.

Maggie held out a paper to me as soon as I walked over to the group. I took the paper and looked to see e what was on it. It was her math homework.

“Do it, I have math after lunch, and I didn’t feel like doing it last night.”

“Fine, whatever,” I said throwing my bag to the ground. She smiled and held out her hot pink pen. I took it and sat down, and started her work.

“What does she got over you,” Matt laughed looking at his girlfriend.

“Something juicy,” Maggie giggled.

“I told you nothing happened,” I said not looking up.

“Sounds interesting,” Brian responded.

“It really is,” Maggie giggled once again.

“Shut up,” I sighed.

“Aw don’t be so down, Jimmy, I’m sure you just had such a good time last night, its killing you to act mad,” Maggie said smirking.

“Nothing happened.

“Right….” She said drawing out the word.

“Now I want to know,” Zack laughed.

“Me too,” Matt agreed.

“Shut up!”

“Now I’m curious too,” Brian said

“I’ll kill you all,” I sighed, scribbling down the answer to a math problem.

“Don’t be like that Jimmy,” Zack laughed.

“Be like what?” Johnny asked finally arriving.

“Jimmy is going to kill us, because Maggie knows something and now we all want to know, what it is,” Zack explained trying to fill Johnny in.

“Oh, how long is he your bitch for?” Johnny asked Maggie.

“The rest of the week, weekend included.”

“That’s Six days…fuck it must be good,” Matt said shocked.

“Oh it is,” Maggie giggled.

I sighed and handed Maggie her now completed homework. She wasn’t going to forget anytime soon. This was too close to her to forget. A friend from each side one leaving the others, wearing the same clothes they did the day before. She wasn’t going to forget.