Status: Hiatus

Is It Too Late to Say I Hate Change?


I was waiting, in the usual spot, for my friends to show up. Jessica was surprisingly the first to arrive. She has a smile plastered on her heavily made up face, and she was twirling a piece of her hair between her fingers. She met a guy.

"Whats his name?" I asked.

"How did you know?" She asked still smiling.

"You get that same look on your face every time you meet a guy. So who is it?"

"His name is John Parker."

"Is he a jock?"

"Yes, he plays basketball. He is just so cute."

"How did you meet him?"

Jessica launched into some extravagant story about how she was trying to meet Rachel after Rachel's cheer-leading practice last night, when she met him. She explained how some jerk's, she used too date, girlfriend, literally ran into her and she fell to the ground. She told me how John walked over to her and offered her his hand, to help her up.

"And when I looked into his eyes, I could tell he is going to be my next guy," She said still twirling the same piece of hair. I smiled and congratulated my friend before Rachel and Maggie, arrived. Rachel's current boy toy was nowhere in sight, meaning that she had either broken up with him, he did something to her, or he didn't do what she wanted him to do to her. Maggie was close behind Rachel, but I don't think Rachel noticed.

Once we were all together, we headed to the lunchroom. We took our usual spot, since the outside tables were still wet from last nights rainstorm. We all took our seats and waited for someone to start the conversation. Maggie had a smirk on her lips, while staring across the lunchroom. No doubt Jessica noticed, but she didn't say anything, instead she launched into her story about how she met John.

While she blabbered, the story I already heard, I thought back to English. Mr. Langston, had assigned a group project, and we were to read a book and do a project on said book, with a partner. Our partners has yet to be determined, since we ran out of class time, but I was praying that by some miracle I ended up with Jimmy so I had an excuse to talk to him. We were going to be assigned a book, and no two books were the same. We weren't sure what books they were going to be yet, but hopefully they weren't classics. I find it almost impossible to read a classic book. Maggie pulled me out of my train of thought, by mentioning the 'punk' group.

"I heard one of the punk guys was seen walking out of some non-punk girls house," Maggie gossiped.

Does she know?

"Really?" Jessica asked, intreaged.

"Yeah, apparently he left through the front door, while her ride to school was waiting for her," Maggie said glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

She knew.

"Oh wow! Who was it?" Rachel asked.

"I'm not sure, I heard it in a passing."

"Oh, hmm...well I'm going to need to find out more about this then," Jessica said.

"Okay," Maggie, said taking a sip of her pop.

"Oh! I heard that Liza Maclin and Joey Dison, hooked up in the Janitor's closet," Jessica remembered.

"Really?!" Rachel said. She glanced over at the pair, sitting only a few tables away. Jessica also looked over at them allowing Maggie, just enough time to shoot me a look. I knew she would question me later. I wasn't sure what I would say but, I would probably not be telling her the truth though.I'd have to make something believable up. After lunch Rachel and Jessica ran off to go get more gossip, and Maggie pulled me aside.

"Skip with me?"

"Skip class?"

"Skip the rest of school."


"Yeah, come on," Maggie said pulling me away from my class and down to the back hall.

"Where are we going."

"The back entrance. No one goes back there so it makes it easier to skip," she said pulling me. Maggie pushed the back door open to reveal the the back of the parking lot and 'punk guys' outside smoking.

"Maggie," the 'punk' guy, known as Matt sang.

"Matty," she sang back, pausing and letting go of my wrist.

"What are you doing Miss Maggie," he questioned, letting the smoke from his cigarette filter into the air.

"Skipping," she said smiling at the boy.

"Oh really?" he smirked.

"Yes, right Ella."

"I guess," I said unsure. Jimmy looked over at me for the first time then glared over at Maggie.

"Yeah, isn't that great," she smiled evilly over at him.

"Well, I can believe you would skip," Brian said looking at Maggie, "But Ella? You"

"I've skipped before," I said referring to the time Jimmy, and I skipped in middle school, and went to the park.

"Really?" Brian said surprised.

"Yeah," I said.

"Thats cool," Brian smiled.

Maybe they weren't so bad.
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