Status: Hiatus

Is It Too Late to Say I Hate Change?


Dani's POV

Wow. I just agreed to go out with someone I was supposed to hate, and Maggie is supportive? This is confusing. Since when does she talk to the 'punk' guys. I guess I really don't know Maggie, as well as I thought I did. She is full of secrets, that I have yet to discover. After a while of talking with Zack, I noticed Jimmy was gone. Where did he go?

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:30, alright?" Zack said.

"Alright," I blushed again.

"Cool, I'm gonna need directions to your house," he laughed.

"Oh, uhm just go to Jimmy's house. I live right next door to him in the blue house."

"Really?" Zack asked surprised. I nodded before grabbing a sharpie out of my bag.

"Give me your arm."

"Why?" he asked holding out his arm. I uncapped my sharpie, and scribbled, down my cell phone number on his arm.

"There. Its my cell number," I said putting the cap back on the sharpie. He looked down at his arm, where the thick black numbers were located and smiled.


"Yeah," I smiled.

We must have been talking to the guys for a while, because it surprised us all when the school bell rang. People started to filter out of the school and head to there cars and buses. Maggie grabbed my arm and pulled me away telling the guys we had to leave. We mad it back to Maggie's car, and she quickly drove us to my house. When Maggie pulled into my drive way there was a very familiar car in the drive way. The beat up old truck, meant It could only be one person.

"Your still coming over right?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah come in with me," I said throwing the car door, open and running toward my house. I threw the front door open and smiled seeing my cousin.

"Tania!" I yelled running over and hugging the girl.

"Dani!" she giggled, hugging me back. Tania, and I couldn't be any closer, she was like my best friend, even if she was my cousin. We look to alike, minus a few very small differences, she had dark brown almost black hair, and she was a little bit taller then me but not much.

"Maggie!" Maggie yelled walking in the front door behind me. I looked over at her and she laughed.

"Maggie, can Tania come with us?"

"Sure, hurry up," Maggie said. I nodded and ran up to my room to change clothes and put my bag away. I rushed through fixing my hair, and about 10 minutes later I was down the stairs and ready to go.

"Alright, lets go," I smiled. Tania, Maggie, and I all piled into, Maggie's car, and she drove us back to her house. Maggie, lead us up to her room, and I formally introduced Maggie to Tania. They hit it off pretty well, considering Tania has never been, a girlie girl and I am pretty certain Maggie hasn't been either. Maggie had instructed me to look through her closet for something to wear, on my date with Zack. Maggie, felt the need to fill Tania in on the Zack situation, then proceeded show her a picture, of the infamous boy.

"Oh he is cute! Good job Dani!" Tania laughed.


"Oh sorry," I said looking out of Maggie's closet over at her, "My family and family friends call me Dani."

"Oh..." she said thinking something over. I turned my attention back to Maggie's closet, and dug through it again. Half the clothes in Maggie's closet I had never seen her wear before. I was quickly coming to realize that there is a whole other side to the girl. While I was rummaging around in her closet, I heard a loud thud, and Maggie started to laugh. I looked out the of the closet and at Maggie.

"Whats your problem?" I asked looking at her confused. Maggie didn't stop laughing she just pointed at her window. I stared at the window confused for a minute, until I finally saw why she was laughing. Brian, was trying to climb into Maggie's room, and it wasn't working too well. Maggie finally got up and opened her window allowing the boy to climb in somewhat easier.

"Ever heard of a front door?" Maggie laughed.

"Whats that?" Brian said playing stupid.

"Oh my god," Maggie laughed.

"Who are you," Brian said pointing over at Tania.

"Tania," she said looking up at him.

"She is Ella's cousin," Maggie explained.

"Ella? What the heck, since when do people call you Ella?" Tania said looking over at me.

"Apparently since, I made new friends," I replied, leaning against Maggie's wall.

"What did they used to call you?" Brian asked.

"Dani, my family and our family friends still call me that," I explained.

"So why did Jimmy call you that the other day, when he was explaining to me why he was leaving your house," Maggie, asked.

"Thats why Jimmy has to be your bitch?!" Brian yelled looking over at Maggie.

"Shit! I wasn't supposed to tell people that. You can't tell the guys! Or Jimmy! Shit if he finds out you know, he'll make me be his bitch!"

"Calm the fuck down Mags!" Brian yelled.

"I'm screwed!" she said looking up at him.

"No you aren't. Why was Jimmy at your house?" Brian said looking at me. I sighed, why did this have to be such a big deal.

"What Jimmy?" Tania asked.

"James Jimmy," I said, back at her. She would know who I meant. Tania has met Jimmy, how could she not have met him when we were practically inseparable. Tania on day to piss Jimmy off started calling him James. It only lasted about a day, but I knew she would know who I was talking about. We did know another Jimmy, in fact, our other cousin's name is Jimmy, but we don't talk about him much since neither of us like him.

"James Jimmy! Like Jimmy, your going to marry Jimmy?!"

"I am not going to marry Jimmy," I sighed.

"Sure seemed like it," Tania defended.

"Shut up Tania," I sighed. Tania knew the story about what happened with me a Jimmy. I tell her almost everything. When mine and Jimmy's relationship started to fall apart, Tania was the first person I went too.

"Wait, I am so confused. You know Jimmy?" Brian asked looking at Tania.

"Yeah, of course I know Jimmy."

"Tania, they don't know the whole thing," I said. I was already feeling really awkward about this whole thing and now, it felt like before the day ended Brian and Maggie, were going to know the whole story and I wasn't too sure how I felt about that. Sure I trust Maggie, even though I really don't know much about her anymore, but I barely know Brian, and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about them knowing.

"Oh, right," Tania said, pretending to zip her lips.

"Care to explain?" Maggie, asked.

"Not really. Help me find clothes."

"Clothes for what?" Brian asked.

"For...well I'm not sure what to call you anymore," Maggie said.

"I prefer Dani," I said, walking back into Maggie's closet.

"Okay then, clothes for Dani and Zacky's date," Maggie said finishing her previous sentence.

"Oh! I want to help!" Brian said in a fake girl voice.

"Go for it," Maggie, giggled. I heard Brian giggle, and the next thing I knew he was in the closet with me. Brian started looking through Maggie's clothes, throwing random articles of clothing at me.

"Uhm thanks for your help Brian, but I'm pretty sure, these plaid pants, won't go with the checkered shirt..." I said looking over the clothes he gave me.

"I like those pants!" I heard Maggie yell, "You have to wear those!"

"I will," I yelled back out to her.

Brian and I raided Maggie's closet until we found a shirt to match the pants. Which proved to be difficult because apparently Brian knows absolutely nothing about fashion. After we finally did find a shirt, Brian and I joined in on Tania and Maggie's conversation. Things were starting to get interesting. A few days ago I was doing everything I could to stay away from people like Brian, and now, I am going on a date with one of them and talking to them.

I am so confused, how and I going to keep my date a secret from Rachel and Jessica? Do I even care what they think anymore? Have I found a group of people I actually fit in with? What exactly did Brian mean about 'being Maggie's bitch'? So many question, but I couldn't seem to think straight. I needed time to think, but it didn't exactly have time too considering Maggie kept pulling me out of my thoughts.
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Hey all.
I love you!
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