I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

The Amount of Booze I am Drinking

Gerard Way lost count of how much booze he had, he felt the whole room spin, and then everything went black.
He had no idea where he was, the whole room was spinning out of control.
“Crap where am I?” He slurred.
Frank turned to him.
“Well Gerard, you got wasted last night and I took you to my house.”
“Frank……Ithinkimgonnapuke….” He slurred, again.
Then Gerard puked up whatever the heck he had last night.
Frank leapt backward out of the way.
“Gee, you have a problem.” Frank said seriously.
“Problem…..wh….what problem?” Gerard said weakly.
“You know what I’m talking about!” Frank spat.
“Frank……please…d-don’t shout….I feel like my head is gonna explode.” Gerard whispered.
“I’LL SHOUT IF I WANNA!” Frank screamed.
Gerard turned away from Frank and got sick all over the floor.
“Ssseeewhhattiiiimmmeeeeaaaannnn.” Gerard slurred all his words together.
“Fine, let’s just get you into the couch in the basement you can sleep there, ok?”
Gerard nodded as Frank helped him over his sick puddle.
Frank touched Gerard’s hand; it was clammy and cold.
There he goes again, getting wasted and having to pay for it later……Frank thought.
“Why do you do this to yourself?”
“I don’t know Frank…”
“I don’t know either.”

Is it crap? or shall I continue. comments welcomed!