I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Here is chapter 10! Enjoy

Gerard opened his eyes.
"Wh...where am I...?"
"your're at a hospital Gee, " Frank saiid. "you overdosed on Advil and you stopped breating....so I called for an ambulance."
"Gee! You're awake!!" Mikey said, as he hugged Gerard.
"Mr. Way you're awake! How do you feel?"
Gerard pulled off his oxygen mask.

Then Gerard suddenly started to gasp and cough for air.
"Oh, no!"
A team of doctors crowded around Gerard.
"He need's more oxygen..."
"....His pulse is low...."
"Somebody just get the freakin' oxygen mask!!!"
A doctor quickly started to pump air into Gerard's lungs.
Frank and Mikey stood there, feeling worthless.
"What will happen..?" Frank whispered.
"I don't know, Frank..." Mikey whispered back.

Gerard's chest slowly rose and fell, he was breathing on his own again.

"F...Frank....I'm sorry..." Gerard whispered.
"I think I need to take this more serously."
"Just get some rest Gee, I'll visit you tomorrow."
"Night, Frank."
"Night Gee."
Then Gerard fell asleep, his IV dangleing over the edge of his bed.

There was Chapter 10! Thanks for reading! Comments= MORE!!!