I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

The Hospital Is My Second Home

I don't own MCR, and Tsunade belongs to NARUTO creater Kishimoto-san.

Gerard woke up to the sound of his beeping heart monitor.
Damn, I wish this noise would go away... Gerard thought.
He slowly sat up. Frank was sitting right in front of him.
"Why did you overdose on Advil?"
"....It was the booze, I had the mother of all hangovers, I really needed painkillers."
"But you almost died! " Frank cried.
"Yeah, I know." Gerard mumbled with no emotion.
WHACK! Frank punched Gerard in the stomach.
"HEY! What the heck was that for?!" Gerard snapped, holding his stomach.
"For not even caring for what you do for yourself!" Frank snapped back.
Mikey woke up.
"Hey....I'm trying to sleep here, can you keep it down?" Mikey spat.
"Sorry...." Frank said.
"He punched me!" Gerard whined.
"Stop overreacting, diva!" Frank sapt.
"I'm not a diva..." Gerard sniffled.
"*Sigh* Frank, just tell Gerard you're sorry.."
Frank turnd to Gerard.
"Sorry Gee....."
"It's ok, Frank, I was being a complete jerk."
"Too right, you were..."
A nurse walked in.
"Mr. Way, once your heart and breating become stable you can be moved out of the ICU, and into the recovery unit."
Gerard's face lit up.
"...When...can I go now? How long?" Gerard babbled.
"Well you're looking a lot better so in a few days you'll be in the recovery unit."
"THANK YOU, TSUNADE!!!!!" Gerard exclaimed, jumping out of bed. He hugged her too.
"...Get off! You're making me embarrased!" Tsunade sid, prying Gerard off of her.

Well thre is Chapter 11! Thanks for reading! COMMENTS= MORE STORY!