I Am My Own Worst Enemy- Gerard-

Getting Better...SLOWLY

Two days passed and Gerard was then checked out by Tsunade.
"Well Mr. Way," Tsunade said. "your condition has stableized. So this means you can be moved into the recovery unit."
"Yes, just stay on your hospital bed and I'll wheel you to the recovery unit."
Gerard grinned.
Gerard watched as the ICU sped by. He was going to be ok.
I still have a heart monitor, but at least I'm off the oxygen supply. Gerard thought.
"Here we are." Tsunade said as Gerard was wheeled to his hospital room.
After Tsunade left Gerard fell asleep.
The whole scene was a blur. Gerard remembered how he walked to the bathroom to get some Advil, but the rest was foggy. He then heard footsteps.
"Frank...are you sure this is his room?'
"Yeah Ray."
"Ray, the receptionist said he was moved to the recovery unit."
"Mikey...calm down! You'll get to see him."
"I know...but the fact that he's ok makes me want to jump!"
Gerard stirred.
"....Uhn....Guys?" Gerard groaned, he was so tired.
"Gee!!" Mikey said, practicly lunging at Gerard.
"Calm down!" Frank said holding Mikey back.
"Frank told us everything, If you do that again...well....you might not make it, you were lucky this time." Ray said.
Bob nodded.
"Gerard, I think you need help." Bob said, seriously. "Were you trying to kill yourself?"
"No, Bob...I had the Mother of all hangovers, and I was too drunk to think so I just downed the Advil. I wanted the pain to go away...." Gerard's voice trailed off.
"Some excuse!" Frank snapped.
"I'm sorry Frank....I really am.....I just want a second chance..." Gerard whispered, tears forming in his eyes.
"Ok Gee, one more chance."
There is Chapter 12! comments welcomed. -Dattebayo 57